Cool site my brother found

Jan 27, 2010 21:24

My Parents Were Awesome

Where people submit photos of their parents before they came along to de-cool the "rents", as the kids say.  Steve submitted the photo of our Dad that I posted here in December and, with any luck, it'll be posted on MPWA in a week or so.

Strictly speaking, that photo wasn't taken before we came around to ruin our folks' lives -- we were already on the scene, tho probably only 18 mos and newborn at the time.  There is, somewhere in the family archives, a photo of Dad in his high school football uniform but it's been decades since anybody saw that one.

I love the very idea of this site.  It's such a refreshing break to see a tribute to parents, even if it's for something as trivial as looking snappy.

my musings

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