Nothing really exciting to report today.
My d20 Star Wars game appears to be kicking off to a good start (at least the players haven't told me they hate it yet, which is always a good thing,) and the players have now found themselves flying to Correllia with a Base-in-a-Box, loads of silk and illegal booze, and a curious metal cube with a heart on the side, that has no discernable purpose (the squib likes junk.) They haven't been arrested by the Imperials yet, but no doubt that'll be coming along eventually. It usually seems to.
In the absence of any interesting memes of the day (well, there's one, but I can't actually do it) we'll just skip straight onto the results of my latest web trawl. I hearby present to you
Geek Eats (includes videos,) which gave me several laughs. Also tickling my funny-bone this week were the assorted reviews from
zeropunctuation. Dark sarcasm at 9000mph for the win.
Other fun things: Making money, the new Discworld book, rocks. Really it does.
I was also pleased to read
this, about the Doctor Who Children in Need Special. For the win.
Hmm. One of these days, I must do something about my Giant robot obsession.