Mar 08, 2005 14:31
Okay So last saturday my stepmom calls asking if I want to earn some extra cash? Of course I say yes being as I don't have much right now. I ended up babysitting this 5 yearold kid, I had never met hoim or his mom before they heard about me through my step aunt who I have met all of 3 times in my life. He was noit very nice to Aidan, he was a brat just cause he's used to getting what he wants and I didn't want to give him everything he wanted. He was just very rude and His mom gave me $20 for 5 hours, for a 5 year old? Well she called me yesterday and asked if I would watch him this thursday and saturday I told her It's not worth it for me and I have Aidan on saturdays and I would rather not have hiom around Aidan again. She pleaded a bit then gave up. So i get a call from her today and don't answe, she leaves a message asking if I will watch Skyler for spring break. Monday through friday from 9-5 and she'll pay me whatever I ask for. That's what she said last time then just gave me 20 bucks and left. I don't know if I should take it and if I do how much do I ask for. I mean I don't want to but I really could use the money and he won't be here with Aidan at all except for maybe 20 minutes or so on friday but that's it. I just don't know what to tell her. That would mean that I'm babysitting everyday that week but that would also mean that I oculd be making over $300 that week with what amy gives me and whatever I decide to ask for and that's $300 that Rob and I oculd both really use. mean there's bad points in it and there are also good points in it if I say yes. Hm any suggestions to what I should do?