Oct 11, 2004 02:04
Well well well...here I find myself on another useless internet website..typing away useless information that probubly noone REALLY cares to read...probubly wasting useful moments of life sitting infront of a computer screen..but ya know what: WHO CARES! I like to write and tying makes my fingers feel good. Sometimes I like to type just to hear the keys click..ya know how little kids type on a keyboard just pushing buttons and end up with something that looks like this: HALSJOIURE*(&*iu#hj$NHSAIDU&(A*#$*(@)@$^&*YR#JKHAKFHashleyisanidiot#$%^*&IFUHDSJFHBNASBDHAYFUCKOFF...ya thats cooooool...anyways, I have late nights now that my boyfriend is gone...I miss him a lot! BLA BLA..well I hope I can someday find something intresting to write, until then THIS IS WHAT YA GET!