1. What are you listening to right now?
Combichrist: Sex Drogen und Industrial 2. What song makes you sad?
Malice Mizer: Bel Air. There's something about this song that just...I don't know. Knowing what it means, in conjunction with the emotion in the vocalist's voice, you can hear his grief, his heartbreak. It's so sad. (I actually just cried listening to it. Damn pregnant hormones.)
My Chemical Romance: Cancer So cheesy, but this song gets to me SO BAD. The only song off Black Parade that I simply cannot listen to, unless I'm feeling particularly masochistic. It's so simple and poignantly upsetting.
Now turn away. 'Cause I'm awful just to see.
3. What is the most annoying song in the world?
Eminem featuring Rihanna: Love the way you Lie Okay. So I liked this song the first time it came out. Even after the first couple million times. But then I started working at Radioshack and it started playing literally every hour on the hour. One day I got on the bus and I heard this song coming out of five different pairs of headphones. I hid in the back and cranked Tool.
4. Your all time favorite band?
My Chemical Romance
Loud and proud.
5. Your newly discovered band is?
Blind Guardian My baby loves them!
6. Best female voice?
Okay, you guys are going to bust my balls for this.
Tarja Turunen This woman has such a powerful vocal range that it absolutely blows my mind. Even if you hate Nightwish, I don't care, just click the link. This is Tarja's rendition of Ave Maria. It's just...outstanding. Perfect. And I'm damn picky about Ave Maria.
7. Best male voice?
Gackt I'm saying Gackt because of the pretty, his voice is just so...powerful, and emotive.
Kyo Kyo's vocal range also amazes me. First off, it doesn't just make you relate to an emotion, it grabs you by the balls and makes you feel it. It amazes me how he can go from harrowing shrieks to something like this. Link is Ain't Afraid to Die, one of my all time favourite Diru songs. I dare you to listen to the song in its entirety and not feel anything. Not want to burst out crying and laughing at the same time. Maybe that's the pregnant talking again. Lol.
8. Music type you find yourself listening to most?
Ahm, I go through phases. Variations of rock and metal with some industrial thrown in for variation. Lately, a lot of power metal.
9. What do you listen to, to hype you up?
Angelspit: Wreak Havoc (Stromkern) GOD I love this song. Dude. I used to listen to this while exercising (you know, back when I wasn't knocked up and could actually exercise vigorously) and would just go freakin' nuts. Bang out like 5 miles on the treadmill and shit without feeling it.
Aural Vampire: Economical Animal Superstar This song is basically the equivalent of a cup of coffee for me. I just want to boogie when I hear it :D
The Doors: Roadhouse Blues I was at a bar last month and there was this cover band. They started up Roadhouse Blues. I shrieked. Jumped up. Grabbed my friend, dragged her over, and danced my ass off. They did a really good job of it, too.
MSI: Shut Me Up :D
10. What do you listen to when you want to calm down?
Pink Floyd: Speak to me/Breathe/On the Run This is the ultimate Blunt Song: kick your feet up, smoke weed, and chiiiillll oooouuuuut.
Led Zeppelin: Since I've Been Loving You Ditto.
Oh yes, and any piano renditions of songs that I like.
Fantastic Piano Covers:
My Chemical Romance: The Jetset Life is Gonna Kill You It's so different from the original, yet this take on it is just... daaaaaamn. Especially after 2:50 it's just like, gah, I wanna cry.
My Chemical Romance: Sleep I feel like this song was made for the piano.
Silent Hill OST: Not Tomorrow (aka the music that plays when Lisa dies.) I dig this cover, dude did a good job with mixing in bits from Theme of Laura (Silent Hill 2). I even put it on my iTunes.
And finally, which I think is genius. Cradle of Filth: Her Ghost in the Fog It's beautiful, but BE CAREFUL, there's a shriek at the end he put in for a gag. Scared the HELL out of me the first time!
11. Last gig/concert you went to?
I don't go to a lot of shows. I saw AbSynthe, Broken Neck Lullaby, and Deadstar Assembly at Hell like last year.
12. Band you find yourself listening to the most right now?
I've been on a Jack off Jill binge lately. And MCR. But there's always with the MCR.
13. Most hated band?
Blood on the Dance Floor This TRASH, and trash like it, is what is destroying today's youth. I just want to find these fuckers and kill them. Seriously.
14. Song that makes you think?
Tool: 46 and 2 Okay. I just don't get what Maynard's talking about, here. The first verse and variations thereof indicate that the song is about shedding the skin of a former self: change. I don't understand the bit about human interpretation of the shadow, though, and nor do I get all the Jungian shit (or the meaning of the numbers themselves: 46 and 2) A long time ago, someone told me that 46 and 2 was a suicide thing: 46 pills plus 2 equals death. Having discussed this with my husband-to-be, he brought up the extremely valid point of Maynard not touching upon a subject as "petty" as suicide. I don't know. Someone explain this shit to me.
15. Band that you think the world should love as much as you do?
ANGELSPIT Seriously, I love them. And no one else does.
Raise your bony little fists on high
Scratch my anger into your eyes.
Wake the DEAD, it's time to DIE
Bang, bang, silver hammer
16. Coolest music video?
Lol, if you actually thought I was going to pick one.
Prodigy: Smack my Bitch Up Because anything banned from MTV is automatically cool. Actually, let me watch this again right quick, it's been awhile. (Unfortunately, it's censored, the original in all its nude glory is no longer on YouTube.)
Placebo: Meds If you've never heard of Placebo, or have not seen this video...just watch it. Just do it. I swear, you won't be disappointed.
Cradle of Filth: Nymphetamine THE HAMLET REFERENCES :D :D Also, I know this song is clearly about sex, but I think it's just so pretty and romantic XD;
My Chemical Romance: Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For The Two Of Us This music video, though it did not begin my love affair with MCR, certainly began my lust affliction with Gerard Way. Also, it's one gigantic Audition tribute and I fucking love that movie. (This is off the best MCR album in my opinion, as well. This song is one of my favourites.)
17. Music video with the most babe watch?
Kidney Thieves: Zerospace I didn't even have to think about that one. Oh god. What I'd give to be in that bathtub with her. Gaaah. She'ssofuckinghot. The way she rocks that tub is just like "Ohhhhemgee I am HAWT look at me" Okay! -drool-
18. What do you play/would you play in the bedroom to spice things up?
Marilyn Manson: You and Me and the Devil Makes 3 Velvet Acid Christ: Slut Combichrist: Sex Drogen Und Industrial (So I think German is sexy. Sue me.)
19. Can you play a musical instrument?
20. Ever been in a mosh pit?
George convinced me to fight my claustrophobia and do it and now I'm addicted.
21. Are you in a band?
23. Ever dated a musician?
Yes and I'm so done with that.
28. Do you wish yourself that you were a musician?
Only that I had talent.
29. Best chick band you know of?
31. Last song that you heard on the radio/cd...etc...?
Emilie Autumn and ASP: Liar
32. What do you think of Classical music?
I like it a lot. It's very soothing to me and I find that I get a lot of writing done if I throw on some nice Mozart or Bach.
33. What do you think of Country music?
That it shouldn't exist.
34. What do you think of Death metal?
I remember this one time I said something like "Our child's gonna be death metal duuuude" totally joking and my fiancee got all pissed, saying that Death Metal is trash and that Black Metal's where it's at or vise versa. Idk. I remember thinking "what's the difference and who cares?" Metal's metal.
35. Last BIG band that you saw live?
36. Are you a groupie?
used to be.
37. Do you listen to music in foreign languages?
Have you read any of this survey? Lol. Obviously I do.
38. What famous musician would you like to fuck!?
Dani Filth, Gerard Way, Anette Olzon, Mana, Gackt, um, the entirety of Dir en Grey, Emilie Autumn, Jim Morrison, ummmm I'll just stop there.
39. Worst concert moment?
40. Funny concert moment?
41. Sad concert moment?
42. Best local act you can think of?
AbSynthe. Or Krush.
43. If you were a musical instrument what would you be?
44. Do you listen to the radio?
45. Do you watch music TV?
No, because that's not what it is anymore.
46. Do you follow the music charts, like the top 40?
47. Have you ever met any famous musicians?
Yuh huh.
48. Are any of your friends/family/etc. musicians?
Both my parents.
49. Song that best describes your feelings right now?
Emilie Autumn: Marry Me Not that this song is in the LEAST bit descriptive of the man I'm going to marry (REALLY, it's NOT), but the trepidation of marriage draws me to it. -shrug- I'm weird.
50. Song that describes your life?
Slipknot: Snuff 51. Do you know the names of all the band members that you listen to?
Only my favourites.
52. Does a musician’s physical attractiveness play a role in the music that you listen to? Used to.
53. What famous musician do you want to marry?
No one, I'm good with my present fiancee XD
53. Favourite movie sound track?
VELVET GOLDMINE. VELVET GOLDMINE. VELVET GOLDMINE. VELVET GOLDMINE!!!!!!!! I caaaaaaame down like waaaater for the aaaaage of sollllaaar! Hail to the father, kiss your soooons and daaaughters, goodbye, goodbye! -sings like a fairy-
55. Any musician pet peeves? Covering a song with no effort and therefore failing. Covering a song that's just...well, a song you shouldn't be touching.
56. What do your parents does your father listen to? Since my mother only listens to country, my dad listens to cool shit, like The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, The Doors, etc (even though he claims not to be a Doors fan. Why do you have records and the Jim Morrison biography then, dad? O_o)
57. What are you listening to right NOW?
....The Velvet Goldmine soundtrack. XD (Ewan McGregor/Curt Wild: TV Eye) I'm thinking of popping the movie in now, actually. Haha. I love that movie.
58. Do you wear band T-shirts?
59. What do you think of people who do?
DUDE YOU'RE LIKE TWELVE, YOU'VE NEVER LISTENED TO CRADLE OF FILTH IN YOUR LIFE. /hiss One time I actually asked this squirt in a Nirvana tee what his favourite Nirvana album was and he couldn't answer. I was like that's RIGHT.
60. What music sub-culture do you feel like you belong to?
61. What song is stuck in your head right now?
A Perfect Circle: The Nurse Who Loved Me Gonna put that on, I think.
62. Do you sing in the shower?
63. If so, what? If not, why not?
Typically MCR, recently Blind Guardian, or like Tool or some shit. I make mosh pits in my shower. I listen to music while I shower.
64. Would you rather marry a musician or be one yourself?
Be one.
66. How important is your partners taste in music to you?
Considering that our taste in music is practically identical, not really important.
67. Hanson moves in next door to you, do you go introduce yourself, or do you arrange to beat them up
Introduce myself and then politely ask for an autograph for my friend Kim.
68. Sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll, you dig? Totally.
69. Do you cook to music?
Made French toast to Lady Gaga last week.