
Jan 15, 2011 19:10

So I've just, with the help of lastfm, discovered Blind Guardian. I'm late in this discovery, I know, believe me, however, *drool*

image Click to view

They scratched my metal itch. Haven't discovered a band that I've really been like *_* in awhile.

I dig their music. It's super groovytacious.

image Click to view

It's just so fucking majestic, man. Gives me chills. The above song in particular, I'm like tearing up, shivering (yeah, I'm having THAT kind of reaction to music, give me a freaking break, I'm pregnant.) All of the songs I've listened to by them have made me starry-eyed. I'm falling instantly-in-love, this hasn't happened since I discovered Cradle of Filth!

Dude, my baby is going to be sofreakingmetal. My friends have already said they're going to dress it metal. :D

(why is it that this genre seems to centre 'round Nordic mythology?)


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