
Jul 25, 2009 11:44

My boyfriend throws the best parties: HOWEVER, there are times when I wonder if I shouldn't drink anymore, ever.

Like...last night, when I decided to play popcorn on the trampoline with 6 other people jumping around. I couldn't stay in the fetal position, got bounced up, was unable to land properly, and somehow twisted my ankle. I was so trashed that I barely registered the pain so I therefore did nothing about it the whole night, and when I woke up this morning I was in a WORLD of agony.

It hurts so much that I have to stand up slowly, put all my weight on my left foot, and limp obnoxiously in order to, you know, get places. I staggered into Greg's kitchen at 9 o'clock in the morning, grabbed a bag of frozen corn, sat down in one chair, put up my leg, and iced it where it's swollen. Greg's been really good about taking care of me. He checked for swelling, made sure I can still rotate my foot and stuff, and even has been running around fetching me things so I don't have to walk :D

I think he's being so nice because he scared the hell out of me last night. We watched this really disturbing video that featured an anorexic girl tap dancing. I took to bed early, and he came in to check on me. I told him to leave the light on because I was scared of the video, and he started ranting. "I GOT SCARED WHEN I SAW THAT THE FIRST TIME, TOO! I started thinking, you know, what if she's so thin because she's in captivity and her captors are FORCING her to dance like that for the camera!" I was so high that I was terrified at the idea, and then he did a passable imitation of the girl dancing, once again, I was high, and it scared me so badly that I started crying. Hysterically. I was that terrified. He felt really bad about it and held me and soothed me until I was able to calm down :D Then he tucked me in and came in to check on me until the party was over.

Also, many, MANY scandalous photographs were taken last night. O_O All of us girls took our shirts off and took bra pictures at one point and I have a picture on my camera of Heather licking my chest. o_O There's another one of us dancing that looks like a huge orgy...oh no... x_x Again, love being young and stupid and reckless. <3

My ankle hurts =[ Is this worth going to a doctor or should I just ice it? I really can walk better after an icing session, it doesn't hurt as much. Greg told me to rotate it a lot and that helped too.

Hope there's another party tonight/my ankle feels better enough TO party...

partying, fun with the bf, booze

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