So for the fuck of it, I weighed myself after I got out of the shower around Monday.
One hundred and thirty eight was the outcome.
I am not pleased, in fact, I’m positively disgusted with myself.
I hate my body, I really, really do. This is the cue for all you LJers to say stop whining and do something about it instead of bitching to the internet at large, right? Well, I am. I’ve decided that after the Fourth I’m not leaving my house until I’ve dropped at least ten pounds. I have the time to do it, as the start date at Boston Financial was pushed back to July 20th, so I’ll be able to actually accomplish this. I’ve been relatively good all week, too. Whenever I get too hungry, I just light up a cigarette. I keep myself well hydrated, and I only indulge in one full meal a day. I don’t know if it’s working, but I won’t really know until next week when I start cracking down and going on morning runs/doing crunches again.
Fuck my life.
In other news, I’ve been reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows again. I <3 DH so much in the face, however, reading it has made me wonder if Isadora fails as a character due to her lack of Slytherin attributes. This leads me into the usual “Define
ambition” dilemma, which I always seem to run into. Is a desperate desire to
please one’s family strong enough to be considered as Slytherin ambition? Hmmph.
Does anyone know if Makani still does commissions? (the artist on dA who draws Harry Potter characters like Disney? Beautiful work, I think.) I absolutely LOVED the portrait she did of Elisabeth von Felden and Beowulf Grindelwald…I was wondering if I could commission her to do the Roquelaure children. I really hope she still does that…
Hell, it would be sweet if
5x3minutes could do it, too….(please gabe? I’ll pay you XD)
Still love Charlie Weasley in the face. He snuck downstairs to regrow his hair the
night before Bill and Fleur’s wedding, and then he got drunk and sang ditties with
Hagrid XD Ooooh Charlie, I love you.<3
To everyone on HC: I apologize profusely for my lack of activity. I know I owe a lot of people tags, Regulus, Rox, and Arnie especially, and I promise I’ll get to it as soon as I’m able. My computer completely shit the bed and I’m using my brother’s laptop on occasion to check things. I’m very, very sorry!
Still don’t know how exactly I’m going to get my Ravenclaw tattoo. I want something unique, something like a portrait of Rowena Ravenclaw with “Wit beyond measure is Man’s greatest treasure” or something of the like, I don’t know. I just don’t want the regular House symbol for Ravenclaw. I want to be unique.
Here’s something funny…Greg just spent $100 on fireworks yesterday, right? Drove all the way up to New Hampshire to get them, because he’s a pyro. And now it looks like it’s going to rain all weekend.
I’m absolutely ripshit about this, as Fourth of July is my favourite holiday and I was looking forward to seeing bright lights in the sky. =[ Fuck you, mother nature, fuck you. Looks like all I’m doing is getting drunk on the Fourth. *sad*