
Jul 26, 2008 23:23

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That video gave me chills. I just sat there gaping like a fish at Tarja's divinity.

Gethsemane is my favourite song by them, at the moment (well, that "moment" has veritably lasted for about four months now. Ever since Greg and I got back together. Soo...since, uh, late/mid March, early April?

Don't get me wrong, I fucking LOVE Anette. I think she's absolutely adorable and really talented, but sometimes my heart aches for Tarja. klytaemnestra described it perfectly...Anette just doesn't have the ability to sound the same way live as she does in the recordings. But there are things about Anette that I like infinitely better than Tarja. Sometimes it's really hard to UNDERSTAND Tarja, whereas Anette's accent kind of suits the lyrics. (maybe because she's Swedish. Lol.)

Nightwish is gonna rock SO FUCKING HARD.


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