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Oct 04, 2006 10:55

Okay.. scratch that, looks liek ill be posting now. lol i forgot i had break next =P
lol its been 1 and a half weeks of ramadan school timings and im STILL bloody confused!

anyhow. lets just see hoe far i can get in 15mins with ppl leaning over my shoulder *glares at mariam* hehe

ok. one word: BUSY..... now multiply that by 10.  in other words, lifes not going so easy atm lol...

Im up to my ears in work: 
Singhal is still giving her daily spoon-- no, SHOVELfuls of hwk jus to get us thru C3 and S2.. (S2 is, thankfully only ,limited to a double maths lesson on sunday mornings =). But maths lessons are a riot, iv never had so much (well last yr was gr8 too). 
I relly have to say, theres sumthing rather cool and cosy about having small classes, like basically less than 10 ppl in each class, cos its liek a mini study group and we're all so easy-going with each other cos we know each other so well and stuff. it just makes the lessons amazingly fun and time wizzes by quite fast.  
i used to love the huge 20 ppl classes we had in lower years, but hell it cud get troublesome.. and of course u had the cliques- cool ppl in one corner or at the very back, nerds at the front etc. and theres no way in hell u got much attention from the teacher (which cud be a good thing at times lol ;)

Anyhow- getting back on track:
Briggs is ever the delightful, sarcastic, cheesy teacher of the year... i still have my vendetta agsint him, but im ashamed to say that i may actually be softening up to him and stuff.... lol top hat goes to Ali, who got sent out continuously at the beginning of one lesson until he figured out it was cos his shirt wasnt tucked in, and then he only tucks in his front, then gets sent out agen cos his back is still down lol :P. God it was hilarious... and in the end he grins and pulls up his trousers so high and marches in lol.

aaand Afzal- shared chemistry with her and briggs.. shes actually totally opposite to wat i thot her to be.. atthe beginning of the yr everytime i looked at her i had this fleeting vision of last year and her yelling "NAMIT SHUT OFF THAT BUNSEN BURNER NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW' lol and how much she yelled at this person for getting a relly bad score on a mock or sumthing..... but now shes actually relly cool.. maybe its the hormones or sumthing cos she pregnant but hoenstly, i actually like her now =)

Biology is as amazing as ever. lol r class rox the sox off any others, + Mr Hunter is possibly the coolest teacher i have this yr loL! ud be amazed at the random convos we have as class discussions, lol and he has this idea that hes going too fast for us to learn which was hialrious cos he had NO IDEA how fast irving used to rush thru the syllabus last yr lol
on the whole, the 1 teacher thing is workingout good.. last yr was so confusing with 2 teachers.. i hated switching to different topics wen it came to diff lessons.

and soo... after the lessons, comes the additional work liek- prefects (working every bloody day), charities committee stuff, Dubai exchange practcies, and of course Asian games rehearsals.

For the prefects thing, i actually transfered all my duties to mariam now.. cos i felt bad that she didnt get any opportunities for ANYthing this yr except scrapbook commitee.. so im still a prefect.. but not a prefect, if that makes any sense. lol. sure as hell not giving up my badge ;) at first i thot green wud think i was being unappreciative and ungrateful or watever since he cut the no of prefects down to make us more "elite"or so he likes to put it, but then he actually smiled, and called it an "admirable gesture" so that sorted it.

Charities is going good.. we're suporting sum charity in SA (that cerryn knows well enuff supposedly) and typically im in charge of revamping the board with aayesha lol.....

Dubai is fun, but a bit exhausting.... playing 1-2 hrs after skool almost everyday except wednesday is no joke.. especially wen ur fasting.. and ud think the teachers wud automatically remember that, but nooo.. so it gets abit annoying too..... its jus relly infurirating not being able to perform 100% because im scared ill dehydrate and faint or wateva which will nt be good... but i get on i guess.
and playing with the guys half the time makes it all the tougher cos uv got to measure up to their standards too, meaning u gotta play harder.... which, is fun most of the time too ;)

DAGOC ppl are bloody mad.. they started holding rehearsals every weeknd til like 12 midnite.. lol now its til 11 which is more reasonable... the costumes were brill tho.. we got fitted last week with these beautiful trad arabic dresses... the dancings not too bad either lol =)

annd finally, the worstthing of all: uni apps....
so far my choices are
Kings College
St Georges

things are going good, iv managed to acheive all A's for my predicted grades which is brill, but i need to actually reach that target lol :P i cudnt believe my face wen singhal refuised to do any references unless they were maths related, cos she is the only teacher left whos known me n my fam my whole time during Dc.. so it was relly disappointing and i spent a lotta time giving her evils.. but then i decided to try mrs winnard and just hope for the best relly.. ok so shes only known me one year, but after r discussion yesterday, my reference isnt looking too bad relly =)
lol my personal statements STILl not dun as yet.. its so bad, i keep on putting it off.. and i kno it will take ages, so i relly gotta get it dun this weekend *inshallah* :)

annd i jus got home from doing teh UKCAt this morning... which was a bit of a stupid aptitude test, but i managed to score average or above average on all the sections which was fine =)
only thing i relly hate is ppl who jus fone for my resuslts.. honestly aayesha never calls me up unless she wants sumthig off me, andits relly bloody irritating tbh... like jus now she calls me outta the  blue to know how i did on it. >=| Gahh.

and the traffic was so bad i conveniently cud not make it to skool. HAHahahahaha =)

ok. thats all for now.. relly tired. lol my own fault relly. isleep late evry nite cos im too busy chatting to ppl online... lol and ok, be4 u guys attack me or sumthing its not on msn lol 
otherwise these days, msn is relly boring.. i only come on for a few secs to check my mail tbh.

anyhow. ur turn to update liz =P
and im glad ur still updating izzy =)

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