Sep 15, 2006 00:42
Before the MySpace AND Hi5 frenzy.
Before the Internet & text messaging.
Before mp3's & iPods.
Before Paris Hilton.
Before PlayStation2 or X-BOX.
Before the 5 hours of homework you put off every night.
When you rented VHS tapes, not DVDs. (mehh lol. how sucky, until r VHS player broke =(
When we recorded stuff on VCRs and taped songs off the radio on a sunday. [hahahaha =P we still have them sumwhere =P]
When you would do rolleypolleys over the fields at breaktime. ( haha i ROCKED at rolleypolleys!)
When wearing summer dresses and shorts to school in the summer made you wake up with a smile.
When the playtimes during summer seemed to last for ages. =)
Way back, when you played skipping. :D!!!!!!! (shhhh i still do lol )
When all the spice girl photos were banned from school. [ooof.. lol ok they werent banned, but they were ALL OVER the place lol)
When POGS were the rubbish IT. (ok i was seriously POG queen like, back in yr 4 or summin)
Hide-n-Seek after school till it got dark. (DARK ROOM!!!! wen we had dinner parties and the kids came over!!!!!!)
Hopskotch. Wwihch i found to be the most boringest game EVERRR)
Tree Houses. [Always wanted one=(]
Hula Hoops.=) hehe. i cud never keep it up for long... even my MOM cud beat me!!!!
Reading R.L. Stine's Goose Bumps. [I read like the whole series!]
The annoying Nano Pets & Furbies. [Don't forget Tamagochis! and i still have the furbie, locked up sumwhere lol...)
Running through the sprinklers. rofl.. and my DAd yelling at me to stop wasting water,... LOL
Crying when Mufasa died in the Lion King. =( simba always cheered me up tho..
Happy Meals where you chose a Barbie or a Hot Wheels car. believe it or not, i rarely ever ate them
Getting the privlegde to sit in the front seat of the car. heheh yeah.. but my sis always pushed me out =( cos sh was "older" lol
Drinking umbun-go, err..?
Watching Saturday Morning Cartoons in your PJ's still wrapped up in your duvet;
*Hey Arnold,*Doug,
*The original Power Rangers
*SM:TV Live with Ant and Dec
Or what about:
*The Secret Life of Alex Mac.
*Ren & Stimpy
*Rocko's Modern Life.
*Clarissa Explains it All.
*Pepper Ann
*Are You Afraid of the Dark?
*Kenan & Kel.
*magic school bus.
*pinky and the brain.
*hangin with mr.cooper.
*the busy world of richard scary.
*the adventures of winnie the pooh.
*the origional sonic the headhog with dr. robotnic not "dr. eddman".
OK WE NEVER HAD CABLE =( i was sooooo cartoon-deprived!!!!!!
Wearing your new shoes on the first day of school. lol i was obsessed about dirt
Class trips. omg i went hyper on them.. i still do lol!!!!!!!!
When Christmas was the most exciting time of year.
When 5 pounds felt like millions. lol hahah i remember wen i got my hands on a 50 riyal note...
When you begged to go to McDonalds for dinner everyday.
The FIRST pokemon series lol i got teased about Ash >=(
when kiss chase meant running away from the boys/girls not towards! [Never did that lol]
When Toys R Us ruled. OH YEAHHH!
Go back to the time when decisions were made by going 'ip dip doo' [We said eeni meeni myni mo]
Mistakes were corrected by simply exclaiming 'do over!' and 'make up make up never ever break up'
'Race issue' meant arguing about who ran the fastest. lol it was always obviously moi =P
Money issues were handled by whoever was banker in 'Monopoly'. i always insisted on being banker. and i still do lol
It wasn't odd to have two or three 'best' friends. hehe ;) still do!
Being old referred to anyone over 20. hahaah yeah... the "big" people
Scrapes & bruises were kissed & made better. =( no they werent. in my case they were sprayed over until they stung like shit
It was a big deal to finally be tall enough to ride the 'big people' rides at the fair. i had an early growth spurt ;) i got lucky on the rollercoasters lol
When you got excited at finally being old enough to watch 12 films at the cinema lol hahah yeah i remmber this time i made a HUGE fuss cos my sis and her frend got to go and watch the titanic but i cudnt lol
When playing Nintendo was the hardest thing ever. lol hahahahahaha yeah.
When Ninja Turtles ruled the world. they always made me crave pizzaaa. lol
When sweets after school was the highlight of your day. ;D!!! they still are lol
Hometime was the best part of the day. IT STILL IS!!! lol
When the only thing you cried over was your mum being late to pick you up. hehehe. i thoguth id been forgotten once =P
When stress was addition and subtraction. HAHAHAHAHA omg. u have NO idea how much i complain about how i wish i was still in DESS
When friendships were as complicated as who's house to sleep over. 0.o lol yep
When shaving cream was just meant for play. :D!!!!!!!!!
When a first kiss only lead to cooties.
When valentines day meant cards for all. lol yeah. and wen i got a card from a guy called Robin Everett in yr 6, every1 made a HUGE DEAL out of it >=(
When birthdays were a class event. NOO they were a WHOLE SKOOL event!! we used to be presented tubes of smarties in assembley!!!!!!
When a friend moving away was the saddest day of your life =( they still are =(
Who would have thought youd miss the 90's so much?
resend this only if you remember these days
i made the charities committee!! BOOYAHHHHH
mariam didnt, and i feel really bad cos i got EVERything made for me this year so far (alhamdullilah) but she hasnt gotten anytihng and she was relly upset =(