Jul 26, 2010 21:14

I'M BACK!! And my computer is FIXED! Fully equipped with working sound! <3 And thank the powers that be because the hell could I have forgotten about COMIC-CON weekend!? *inhales* -- Coming back online and watching panel after panel and laughing my ass off over the gag-reel teasers? CHYEAH. I'm so damn happy my sound is back!

SO APPARENTLY FANDOM HAS BEEN A BUSY LITTLE BEE WHILST I WAS AWAY. And I'm so grateful! The supernatural panel had me in stitches -- boys being boys being boys. What more could you ask for? And if I haven't said so already, eric kripke owns my heart. SERIOUSLY. The man is such a dork. And he's HILARIOUS. So much love for this show and everyone who works on it! <3


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All the other parts are on Gonturan74's (*bows down*) youtube channel. KICKASS, people. GO WATCH NOW. My favorite part is at the very end of the last part of the panel where Jared holds up his name-tag and turns to Jensen and Jensen has this face, like "who do you think you are?" and grabs Jared's nametag and proceeds to shove it down his shirt like it belongs to him. EPIC WIN, BOYS. EPIC WIN.

And if you haven't seen it yet -- THE GAG REEL:

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SERIOUSLY? Do I even need to say anything here? XD. O.M.G. They love us. They really love us. I can't wait for the full blooper reel from the dvd!! :D

As if that wasn't enough to make my fandom loving heart happy  -- the merlin panel had to go and rock. And speaking of rocking..never_thinkx made my day by making me SQUEE over this show before I even got my computer back. HAHA. The wait killed me, bb. And you continue to be your awesome self :D I'm so freaking happy I can finally watch this!


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LMFAO. Bradley just cannot keep from forgetting his lines whenever he's in close proximity and/or looking directly at Colin. I LOVE IT. <3 BOYS!! I can't wait for season 3! And as if they heard my plea --

the TRAILER for next season -- (Beware of spoilers!) :

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OMG. OMG. Need. This. NOW.

So yeah. I think I'm good now. (aka: hyperventilating in a corner, waiting for these shows to COME BACK!) haha..just kidding. i'm totally not that pathetic. *rolls eyes* XD


thank you so much to applepie_x0 for the virtual gift. It made my mouth water! I wantz a waffle nao :( <333 LOVE YOU, BB! Gah, I have so much to catch up on! Hope you all are doing well.

fandom: supernatural, merlin/arthur, fandom: merlin, squee-inducing, otp, dean/sam, vid rec, boylove

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