Dec 17, 2005 18:19
i ive noticed a trend
i only write in this stupidthing when im high
well why stop that now
ja know
nobody reads it anyway lol
soo im home from oswego for 6 weeks
pc is gay and the oswego retard townies didnt call the pc here
not very happy about this im going to be so bored without a job for a couple weeks
well at least one i guess
i dont likebeing by myself so much when im home
i start tlaking to myself
or on this gay thing
2nds even more scary than the first
im so afraid
that im being lied to
but i try to believe it
because i want so badly for it to be true
and you wonder why i have boyfriend phobia
i know too much
im an ex girlfriend myself
ill probably ramble on some more im sure
later chicas
i dont like being home
it makes me nervous.
maybe another 13 more tonight
lets hope so i need to take up the offer
ill be bored
see yaa