good old brunswick

Oct 11, 2004 10:54

my weekend home was pretty good i guess
i got home thursday night around 7 soo nice to have a real homecooked meal
then i went over to jesse's for a while..
friday everyone was at school so that left bored ashley lol but i went to T-rac's homecoming and got to see a whole bunch of people i hadnt seen in foreverrrr
and me and LindsP got to go on a TB run! "my name IS Jane Ryan"
saturday went shoppine with the lindsays. went to friendlys w/ them & Lena. i dont hink i have ever eaten so much in my life in one day lol NO MORE
Me partner & weenerr had a sleepover hehe sleep in the same bed and GET ROUGH
i miss my girly friends being around all the time
Summer '05 bigger and better
we're no longer double, we're going triple this time! ADLD+LP <33
cant wait girls!
lena needs the experience lol
..fuckin rye bread man


You are green. Perhaps one of the most balanced of
all the colors. By balanced, I mean balanced
in both bad and good parts. Let me elaborate:
You're a natural, and somewhat superficial
person. You're extremely generous, but, to add
to the confusion, you're frugal and stingy.
You're a forgiving, but jealous person. You're
imaginative, but still logical. At sometimes,
you're a complete neat-freak, and other times,
you're a total slob. You're very stable, but
undependable. But onto the other traits that
are associated with this color... You're a
stubborn person, simply put. Do you believe in
Feng Shui? Green is closely related to the
thought of having a balanced environment, you
know. When in a bad situation, you're
painfully pessimistic, and when you're in a
good situation, you're extremely optimistic. A
fairly outgoing and amused person, you enjoy
talking to people, and hearing their thoughts
on different things. As a plus, when people
hang around you, it seems like time passes by
all the more quickly.

What color are you? (Amazingly detailed & accurate--with pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla
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