May 08, 2009 23:20
seriously..what's the temperature in malaysia? ATSUI..!HoNtOU ATSUI!
my mom, my sis, and my twin bro are all not feeling well..
in fact, my throat feels kind of funny too..
today, i changed my shirt FOUR times..haaa..seriously..the only good thing about this abnormally hot weather is that you'll have dry laundry..FAST..
owh yeah, i also just watched the quiz show with sho and yoko in know i'm soo late..
i just got to download it yesterday! dumb college cyber cafe maintainer~! you just have to close down when there's tons of godies to download, don't you!?
hahahaha...Sho is freaking good~! i'm totaly in love with MC kamiyama! Yoko's character is pretty mysterious. yeah... BOTH characters are mysterious but Honma *yoko's character* just strikes me as being kind of spooky the hell did he knew all those stuff about those participants? and what's his realtionship with kamiyama??okay2,i'll stop asking now..:P
i freaking cant wait to move into my new home this june! not really 'Home' home, just for college coz third year students can't live in the hostel anymore. i'm living with my three friends. and NOW I CAN SURF THE INTERNET AS MUCH AS I WANT TO!^___^ WOOT! if the line is good, i might upload stuff for people too..:P
good night~XD