May 21, 2005 16:56
11 October, 2001.
Is more education the answer?
Eight freshman college students were hanging around a vacant library late onr night, when they decided it would be a thrill to leap into a small opening they thought was a laundry chute.
Perhaps a few more years of college would have led them to the realization that libraries didn't have laundry chutes. It was actually a trash chute feeding directly into an automatic compactor. Nineteen-year-old Wesley "Crusher" was the first to jump. He enjoyed an exhilerating three story slide before being crushed to death in the rubbish bin below.
The other students decided not to follow.
Oh there is a lot more where that came from! My brother has a whole book full of this crap. keep reading in the future for more idiot filled moronic people posts!
ps. random comment: my house smells like China....however, i have never actaully been to China, so im guessing it probably doesnt....but my brother is making Chinese food, so, i'm sticking to my original story
pps. i miss Mal! the one weekend i have off, she's GONE!
ppps. Im going to miss Anna like a misser misses her missee on National Miss-a-lot Day