May 10, 2004 22:57

man ... all i gotta say is that this weekend is gonna rock so hard that my head is gonna implode from an overload of joy ...
no its not because there's gonna be ice cream cake ... or because there is possibly gonna be a bbq ... nor the fact that my aunt is lettin everyone drink n smoke pot in the house ... the reason for the excitement is the fact that my 2 favoritest people in the whole wide world and then some are gonna be in the same house at the same time!!!! U GUYS KNOW WHO U ARE!!! I LOVE U GUYS!!! ... if it wasnt so gross id shit my pants im so happy ... maybe ill jus do the happy dance *does happy dance 3 times 3 times* well after all that dancin i think im gonna go to sleep ... night everybody!!!

body parts sliding across ur belly looks really gross ... specially wen u can tell wut body part it is
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