LJ Interests meme results
- caseation:
If I'm not mistaken, this is the process by which a thing is converted into cheese. When I first read it, I thought of the cheese one relates to flesh, the sagging, the wrinkly dimples and creases, basically the wasteland left behind when one loses a lot of weight, regains it, and loses it again. Words like
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Expressing the Platonic axiom that the impulse to self-preservation constitutes “a mark of [God’s] profound latent unity from whence [Augustine] derived [his] being,” or an early awareness of God’s grace, Augustine writes that “an inward instinct” bids him to value truth and “take care of the integrity of [his] senses” (Augustine 22) even in childhood. The phrases “profound latent unity,” “inward instinct,” and “take care of the integrity” suggest an intelligence of the origin of being, and its wholeness in the eternal, concealed within the human mind. Affinity for truth and unimpaired judgment is instinctual in that it asserts itself as an “inward” or subjective drive without being willed or understood as such. Augustine suggests that a person’s most private self is something motivated by God and partially understandable in those terms.
In other words, I am bewildered by academics who have the brain power to do both. I am clearly not very intelligent, because I crave (very quasi-)mastery of only one subgenre.
Though I sort of already covered this point (these comments are stream of consciousness), I take issue with your assumption that I friended you for "feedback." I friended you as a symbolic gesture of gratitude for your tolerance toward me in TBYC. The only feedback I want is on whether I'm cluttering friend pages, because that would be impolite and entirely avoidable. If you think my LJ is on the same level as enprise's, I would be sorry (and curious) to hear it, but so life goes. Finally, I dislike that you associate your "creepy" vibe (whatever that means) with suspecting I'm not a real entity. I can't even begin to guess what that implies - that real people don't acknowledge - or, more accurately, emphasize - their infirmities? That it wouldn't befit a real 20-year-old to do so? That my attitude toward my disease is disingenuous? I'm not only real, but I also live a full, exciting life that involves interacting with other real people!
Here is a photo that I believe (probably falsely) makes me look hip, way hipper than that copped photo of the Asian chick: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v407/saffycat/10757.jpg
And here is a clearer, but sadly less hip, photo (me on the right): http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v407/saffycat/Tara%20House%20Party%208-05-05/taraandme2.jpg
Please address my concerns. I'm a Quaker and I'm loathe to hold grudges, so I think this may yet end in mutual understanding.
So here's a photo of me and other real-life humans in the loverly West Philadelphia:
Incidentally, enprise lives creepily near my high school. Another local boy with whom I helped solve the mystery suggested we bring him cookies to make amends for all the trouble we caused him.
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