Dec 11, 2002 20:51
Okay, so here's the quick run down. I'm both a cheerleader and a competitive figure skater, and the two are beginning to butt heads. I don't go to cheerleading practices on Wednesdays, because I have skating that day, and coaches are not allowed to make Wednesday practices required, due to church. I told my mom that I need to go to cheerleading practice and she blew up at me, so I had to call my coach and leave a message nearly in tears, saying that I can't go to practices; my mom refuses to let me.
So when I got home from the rink today, a message from my cheerleading coach was on my machine. She said we need to talk about me missing practices, because it's not fair that the other girls have to show up on Wednesdays, and I can't. She said that it may require me to sit on the bench.
I really don't know what to do. Basically it sounds like my coach is saying it's cheerleading or skating. I love both and I don't want to quit either. My mom is listening to the message right now, so I guess I'll find out what the answer to that question may be. More later.