(no subject)

Apr 26, 2004 14:05

Stolen from hulafaerie

5 would be the number of boys I've kissed (more than a peck)
0 boys I didn't even know their names
1 would be the most boys I've madeout with in one night 
2 would be the amount of times I've been dumped
5 would be the amount of times I've dumped someone 
0 breakups have been mutual
3 times I've been in a relationship that lasted longer than 6 months
4 times I've been in a relationship that lasted shorter than 6 months
0 would be the number of dates I've had with different boys in one week
1 hookups have occured because of the internet
3 1/2 years would be the biggest age gap between myself and a partner
0 boys I've had sex with also read/have read my livejournal
??? would be a rough estimate of how much money I've spent on boysfriends/dates
1 times I've been truly heartbroken
2 boys have openly rejected my "date me" proposals
1 times I've had to reject someones "date me" proposals
2? 3? would be the number of crushes I have (big ones...ever)
0 would be the amount of times I've cheated on someone
1 would be the amount of times someones cheated on me 
1 times I was in love
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