(no subject)

Oct 14, 2005 18:05

Its been a while, hasn’t it?

Apparently I’m going down to Laredo next Saturday… crazy

I see Laredo on t.v. and I think about it and it all feels like a dream now, like it never really happened

Its such a fucked up little town

I love my parents with all my heart, and I miss dee but…. If it weren’t for Juanita’s salon being closed on the 25th o f November when I’m down there anyways…

I wouldn’t fucking go back.

…the things I’ll do for a haircut

I’ve been feeling incredibly A.D.D. lately… it took me at least 5 attempts before I settled down and started studying for my chem. test

Our trip up to Austin last Friday for Romie’s birthday was insane; I had a lot of fun.

I really cant remember most of it…

This past week has been going by horribly slow

Considering from Saturday to Tuesday I was incredibly sick… wasn’t fun.

As for this weekend?

More damage to be done at Jason’s house.


And on top of that, I have the apartment to myself this weekend!!!!!   WOOOHOO!

I don’t have any tests next week, that just screams “don’t go to class”
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