Brick by Brick 6/?

Apr 25, 2010 02:05

Title: Brick by Brick 6/?
Fandom: NCIS
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2795
Warnings: Major Angst
Authors Note: Alright, have you ever had one of those chapters in a fic that you write. Then delete, then rewrite again? This was one of those chapters for me.Gibbs, Tony and I went a few rounds on how this would go; and in the end I think it came out okay. SO, I hope that you all enjoy it and I promise there will be more soon. (Sooner than last time, really.)
Back Chapters Can Be Found Here

It was Friday night, and Tony was far too happy he'd agreed to have a movie night. Of course Jimmy and Hannah having something “come up” was suspicious, but in the end Jenny showing up with beer and a copy of Escape To Witch Mountain made him not mind so much. Although he was still almost certain Hannah thought they'd end up married sooner or later, which bothered him a bit but he'd never let what other people thought affect him before, so why should he let Hannah's assumptions freak him out? Jenny was a buddy, like Abby; but he'd never had to worry about her taking Gibbs' side over his and while he adored Jimmy there were just some things the other man had no clue about.

It didn't take Tony long to notice something was wrong, his friend was too quiet and she seemed distracted and sad. He kept himself from saying something for most of the night, but when they reached the last movie he couldn't help but nudge her gently and ask what was wrong.

Her sigh sounded sad and Tony paused the movie, she rolled her eyes. “You'll tell me I'm being retarded.”

“I'd never lie to you that outrageously, now what's goin' on. I'll tell you about my dinner date with Gibbs, if you tell me.” Tony knew he was dangleing the proverbial carrot and had to suppress a smirk when she perked up.

“You have a dinner date with Gibbs? Tell!”

Tony shook his head, “You first. Tell.”

She pouted ridiculously and he just sat waiting, finally she sighed. “He was at my party.” She didn't need to elaborate on which He she meant, and Tony felt himself stiffen, “I have no idea who invited him or how he figured out which restaurant we would be at but he was there. So, yeah; we talked a little. And...” she trailed off looking over his shoulder somewhat pensively, “I agreed to go to his wedding.”

It took exactly 10 seconds for that to register in Tony's brain, and then it was all he could do to keep from shouting at her.“You agreed to what? Why?”

“I dunno. I just did. He said we'd been friends for a long time before we were lovers and he still wanted to be friends, and that I should come to prove that we were still friends and all. And now I have to go, and I'm scared; but I got myself into this mess so I'll figure it out. Now tell me about Gibbs and the dinner date! I need the pick me up.” She gazed at him expectantly and Tony felt himself sigh before explaining. When he was done she nodded, “Good. Cafe Milano is a nice place, good choice. Think he'll wear a tie?”

“Gibbs? I doubt it.” Tony sighed and leaned back into the couch to watch the rest of the movie, and if Jenny somehow ended up clutching his arm and leaning against him he had too much respect for her pride to mention it.

Jenny was leaving when she turned to Tony awkwardly, “Would you go with me? To the Wedding? I don't think I should go alone, and most of the people who know I'm going think I'm retarded for agreeing and...”

“Of course I'll go with you. Don't worry about it, you'd do the same for me.” Tony smiled and Jenny sent him a surprised smile in return before actually leaving. Tony wondered what she'd do at the wedding, and how he'd keep himself from murdering the asshole that had so comprehensively broken her heart and somehow succeeded in making her feel guilty. Not that he could throw stones since he was going out with his own bastard in less than 24 hours.

Tony sighed wondering when he'd become just another idiot that couldn't let go.


Gibbs decided that Cafe Milano was one of those places you should probably wear a tie to. Of course, this was after he found himself standing in the lobby being looked at like he was a complete neanderthal by half the people around him. Not that he really cared about that, since Tony was the person he was here for, not the uppity Maitre-D or the business men sitting at the bar.

The jolt he got seeing Tony sitting at the table and nonchalantly flipping through the menu was amazing. If Gibbs was a younger man, and no one else had been around, he might have clapped with joy. As it was, he could help the small smile that tugged at the corners of his mouth as he followed the waitress to the table.

The elation spike of elation was quickly cooled however by the closed look on Tony's face when the younger man looked up to meet his gaze. Gibbs found himself forgetting the waitress and laying a hand on the younger man's shoulder and squeezing slightly; he had even more ground than he'd feared to make up with Tony.

As they settled, it became even more obvious to Gibbs that it wasn't going to be easy and he felt slightly panicked at the seemingly insurmountable wall Tony was presenting him with. Their conversation wasn't really conversation, it was more awkward silence and too polite compliments than anything that could actually be considered talking. It was setting Gibbs on edge, but he didn't know how to fix it. He was afraid to push and force Tony to talk about it, but at the same time he knew that it had to be talked about before they could talk about anything else.

Time passed, and they ate. And Gibbs kept reminding himself that he was glad Tony was at least there. Finally Gibbs realized that the younger man wasn't going to say anything which meant he'd have to, unfortunately all that came out was “So.”

Tony blinked at him before sighing, “You did all that shit, waited all this time, somehow subliminally convinced Jenny to get me to come to dinner with you and all you have to say is 'So'? That's real smooth boss. Real smooth.”

Tony's voice was bitter and Gibbs winced, “I just...don't know what to say.”

“There isn't much you can say. Unless you have some magical reason that'll fix everything, which I doubt.” Tony's glare was nearly toxic, and Gibbs winced again. “I didn't think so.”

“It was stupid. I was stupid, so stupid that it took me a while to figure out how to stop being stupid.” Gibbs found that his gaze was fixed on the glass of water that Tony was swirling slowly, he couldn't seem to meet Tony's gaze.

Tony made a soft disgusted noise in the back of his throat, “That is one of the worst excuses I've ever heard. And I was a cop, so I've heard a fuckload of bad excuses.”

Gibbs winced again, “That wasn't an excuse...”

“It sure as hell sounded like one!” Tony's voice was tightly controlled but it still held a sharp edge of anger.

Gibbs shook his head, “There isn't an excuse for what I did Tony. I know that, and I'm not going to try and make one.”

“What if I want one?” That statement shocked Gibbs slightly and he swallowed, “Well Gibbs? What if I want you to actually look me in the eye and tell me why I wasn't good enough for you. Why you had to-to fuck that whore Hart. Could you even come up with one? Or was I just that much of a nothing for you?”

“No. Tony you know that isn't true.” Gibbs' voice was firmer than he thought it'd be.

“I don't know anything anymore. I used to know, but now? Now all I have are a bunch of questions that I'm not sure you can even answer.” Tony's voice wasn't as controlled now, it was more brittle and Gibbs was almost afraid that if he pushed the younger man's voice was break.

“Tony, you have to know that-”

“I don't have to know anything. You fucked up, so you convince me. For once, you do the work, because I'm tired.” Tony stopped swirling his water and set the glass down with a semi-loud thunk that made Gibbs wince and glance up at him.

He'd never seen Tony so defeated, and his chest ached knowing that he'd made the younger man look like that. “Please, Gibbs. Tell me there was some stupid fantastical reason for all of this. Tell me you're undercover and she's the head of a drug cartel, or something. Make this something you couldn't change. Make it something that isn't my fault, please.” Tony's voice broke several times, and he cleared his throat at the end obviously trying to suppress emotions that weren't suitable for a public restaurant.

The waiter chose that point to bring the check, because as usual with wait-staff he had the best and worst timing. Gibbs hastily grabbed the guy's arm, tucked his debit card in the folder and let the startled man go. “Look, let's take a walk or something and talk about this.” Tony blinked at him silently and Gibbs sighed, “I might not have a magical answer, and trust me I wish I did, but that doesn't mean I'm willing to give up.”

Tony sighed, “I shouldn't go. I really should just storm out of here dramatically and suffer quietly until I'm old and bitter. Like you.” Gibbs winced again but didn't say anything, “But I'm not you Boss, so I wont. There's a park not too far from here, we can walk there.”

Gibbs sighed in relief and gratefully accepted folder from the waiter who didn't linger long enough to be grabbed again. Tony casually threw a ten and a few ones on the table, he shrugged at Gibbs' dark glance. “He was a good waiter. He deserved a good tip, even before you man-handled him. Besides, you paid so it's customary for me to leave the tip.”

Gibbs let it go and signed the bill before standing and practically sprinting to catch up with Tony who was already halfway across the restaurant. He matched the younger man's brisk pace easily after that and resisted the urge touch him.

Tony was right about a park not being too far away, and walking there was easy enough. Getting Tony to actually stop walking so they could talk, was a bit harder and definitely awkward, but finally Gibbs sighed. “Let's sit Tony.”

Tony paused before turning to Gibbs and following him silently to the nearest bench and stood infront of Gibbs as he sat. “You don't have any real, valid excuses.”

Gibbs felt himself sigh, it wasn't a question. He answered anyway, “No. I don't.”

Tony clenched his jaw and nodded, “I knew that.”

Gibbs wished he knew what to say, but he really didn't. All those reasons he'd mused over with Ducky, which had seemed stupid at the time, seemed even more stupid when faced with Tony's pain. Who cared if he'd been on pain medications? Or that he'd been afraid of emotions that he hadn't wanted to admit he felt? Tony didn't need to hear how petty and stupid all those reasons were.

“I wish...I wish I could hate you.”

Gibbs felt his head jerk up in surprise, Tony's face was shadowed and his shoulders were tensed.

“But I can't, and it sucks that I can't. Because it hurts damn it. And I have no idea how the hell we fix this. And I know I shouldn't let us fix it, because I'm smarter than this. Really, I am.”

“Tony...” The sheer pain in the other man's voice caused Gibbs to forget he wasn't supposed to reach out and touch him.

Gibbs wasn't sure how it happened, but they somehow ended up pressed together in a more than slightly awkward embrace. Tony's face was pressed against his shoulder, and his hands were gripping Gibbs' upper-arms almost painfully tight; for his own part Gibbs was trying his best to not revel in the fact that Tony was in his arms again. It was a step forward at last.

And Gibbs wasn't so stupid as to let the chance fall through his fingers, “You're special Tony, and I know that I can't just say that. I have to prove it. But you were always special, I want you to know that again.”

Tony's hands tightened even more, and a small distracted part of Gibbs brain mused on if he'd have bruises afterwards, but he didn't pull away. Gibbs tightened his own hold around Tony's waist in response, “Can you let me prove it? Please?”

Gibbs chose to ignore the way his voice hitched on the word please.

Tony nodded against his shoulder, and Gibbs felt a bit of warmth and excitement return to his gut. He had another chance, and he wasn't going to squander it.

They stood like that for a very long time, garnering a few odd glances from the people who walked past. When Tony finally made to move away Gibbs had to consciously force himself to let go, the younger man looked shattered and Gibbs couldn't help but reach out to cup his cheek gently.

For the first time in a long while Tony didn't pull away, and Gibbs felt another thrill run through his gut but pushed it down. “I'm glad. You wont regret this. I promise.”

Tony cleared his throat, “Yeah well, at the moment your promises don't mean much boss.”

“I know. But I'll change that. Really.” Gibbs' voice was firm, he couldn't afford to have his conviction waiver now.

Tony shook his head slightly, “I wish I had your faith boss.”

The unspoken, “Like I used to” almost made Gibbs wince again.

“Come on Tony, I'll walk you back to your car.”

The walk back took longer, and the atmosphere between them was different. Tony sighed as they passed the now closed Cafe Milano, “Johann was guilty wasn't she.”

Gibbs paused, again it wasn't a question.

“You could have called some other lawyer for her Gibbs.” Tony's voice was slightly bitter and Gibbs sighed.

“That was an oily, disgusting mess of a situation Tony. So I called the most oily, disgusting defense lawyer I knew.” His voice was dry, and he knew it wasn't the explanation Tony was looking for. “I can tell you that I haven't seen Allison Hart since that night and I don't plan to.”

“Give me your phone.” Tony stopped walking to lean against his car, Gibbs blinked but handed it over anyway. Tony deftly pressed buttons in the way that Gibbs always almost envied before finally handing it back. “She isn't in your contacts anymore.” Gibbs blinked but nodded, “I'm having McGee delete her from your email contacts too. If you even added her, which I doubt.” The younger man's voice was grim, “I don't blame her entirely, but she's still a slimy bitch and if I ever see her near you again without a very clear connection to a case everything we talked about tonight is toast.”

Gibbs nodded, and met Tony's gaze squarely. “I can do that.”

“Good. I'll see you on Monday.” Tony made a motion to get into his car, and Gibbs laid a hand on his arm. Tony paused, unsure as he turned his confused gaze on Gibbs.

Gibbs cleared his throat, “Here.” He reached into his pocket and held out a key. Tony took it, confusion becoming even more prominent. “It's the key to the door. There's only two others. I have one and so does Ducky, for emergencies, but you should have one too. That lock wasn't ever to keep you out, just....other people.” Tony blinked at him slowly and nodded looking at the key.

Gibbs cleared his throat again, “And...if you ever...need to check and make sure I'm alone, or that I'm being honest when I say I'm working in the basement, with that you can. And I don't care when, really. You've always had an open invitation, but now....” Tony'd turned his eyes back to Gibbs face and he was smiling.

“I will.”

Gibbs let him get in the car then, and watched him drive away. Things weren't perfect, they weren't even healthy but he thought that they'd gotten to the point that someday soon they would be healthy again.

gibbs/tony, ncis, brick by brick

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