Aug 08, 2004 21:25
UPDATE. yah so not much has beeen going on. most exciting thing thats happened recently was friday me cat and chrisitne went to King of Prussia. askldjlasj I LOVE THAT MALL!! well really i just like malls in general but that one especially becuase its huge :). got some good stuff and i was very proud of myself because it was all pretty cheap. i cant really remember waht i did between then and sure it wasnt that interesting. yesterday i cleaned..sorta..and then i went to concord mall since we didnt go to any of the stores there at KOP. got soem stuff from AE and wetseal. i love wetseal because if you wait, eveyrthing goes on sale. liek a bagillion times over. and then i came home and watched ulster project videos with my sister because she got the sudden urge, and then watched runaway bride. although she left halway through. dam people who actually get tired at reasonable hours. me myself no. i stayed up until liek 4:30. not for a lack of trying i might add. so i stayed up and talked to my fellow insomniac matt. rather interesting conversation. and then i "went to sleep" or tried at about 3:30, but that didnt exactly happen. causing me to sleep in until 3:30 today. and then i wnet to Borders and read Night for summer reading. even though i dont have the was kind of hard to focus on the book though with the person sitting next to me that had his shoes off, which kind of smelled, and then every once in a whiel would go into liek deap breathing and rock back and forth liek he was nautious or something. and then he would stop. it was really random...and now im watching law and order and then i have to go do my math packet now that i actually know what im supposed to be doing. arite well this was pretty long so i hope your happy sean. mmk goodnite <33