It's Been A While, O Journal o'Mine

Jan 26, 2005 14:13

Yeah, it's been a helluva long time since I updated. So how's my life been in the meantime, you ask? Well, that's a toughie. I guess it should have been dominated by homework, but it hasn't been. Not the kind of homework-domination that makes you want to tear you hair out because everything that you have to do weighs on you like a mountain, but the kind of homework-domination in that homework should be your first priority, and you have so damn much of it that you don't have time for anything else.

Well, me being me, this isn't the case. I happened to be overly-addicted to Gaia for a while, treating the Gaia Marketplace as a sort of chibi-Ebay. I went crazy trying to bid for boxes and then sell back the items inside for at least a 1k profit. However, this died away pretty quick when I started posting on Aramasa again.

Ah, Aramasa, the JOY! that is role-playing. Few would understand the extent of my obsession with good ol'Aramasa, except maybe

aramasa, gaia, rp, school

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