Update for the Updates

May 03, 2008 17:00

Just wanted to let ya'll know...for those of you who still watch me (which is probably the sum total of
kailita and kailita XD;; ), I spent most of my boredom-hours today (read: time between calls at work) doing maintenence on my LJ itself.  I went through and completely re-wrote my profile page.  As in, that crap that was up there for THREE YEARS is now GONE, and I have a brand-new ramble to read instead.  Even though it's solid text, oddly, it's shorter than the clutter I had before. XD;;

Also, I went through and tagged EVERY ONE of my entries.  Seeing as I only have made a few dozen entries in the past four years, it wasn't THAT much, but still...yeah.

Also.  I swapped out my first name for a long, poetic journal title instead.  Reasoning?  Weeeell...firstly, since I'm actually posting on communties now (HOLY SPOOT!) I figure that my journal may get a little more traffic.  And I've been uber-paranoid about keeping my identity secret while online (all over again), hence, the first name GOES.  Also reasoning?  The title itself..."Never Lose the Warmth of the Sun on your Wings"...I'm not sure where it comes from.  I don't think it comes from anywhere.  It was just one of those...Poetic Moments.  The line just sort of came to me, and I'm glad it did.  It embodies many things that I strongly believe in, many things that I hold precious and dear.  Aaaand...to elaborate any MORE on that would rip apart the poetic quality of the line...or maybe I just like to keep you guessing.  ~.^

Planning a re-post of OLD OLD OLD ficcage from my ancient and abandoned literature-only LJ.  I post on THIS one infrequently enough that there's just NO NEED to have two.  I'm not going to delete the old one, though, because I delete nothing *izza packrat* XD; .  But I probably won't re-post EVERYTHING from
foolish_feeling, either.  >.>
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