I've been scolded for not updating my LJ (mostly I blog on
tribes)... so here's yesterday's post from tribes:
I'm tired of working on those shirts, so I took a break to sit down and make a new "must do" and "need to do" list. Here's the revised version:
Before 2/11:
Bruce's doublet
Bruce's pants
fix the sleeves from last year's doublet
finish Lynn's Irish (hem, armholes, and make 2x sleeves; put the rest of the hooks and eyes and lacers on)
Before faire:
Finish one chemise, make another
Make at least one skirt, maybe two
Put an old skirt on a new waistband
Bodice for Grace
Bodice for Leeann
Bloomers for me
Maybe bodice for me
And then there's still the 'would like to do' stuff. Somehow, even though the list is longer, it seems more manageable than it did 3 weeks ago. How odd.
New stuff for today: one of the shirts (they're for Bruce for faire this year, as one of his old ones is beyond repair) is completely finished, and I just finished pinning the cuffs (last thing) on the other one. Wuwu! Next up: Lynn's sleeves.