the human condition.

May 12, 2009 17:32

They say ignorance is bliss.  I can see truth to that.  I can understand the need to be absolved from facing the human condition; the way it really is.  But at the same time, I am proud when I am not ignorant.  I am proud when I can diagnose myself.  I feel right when I know that I am wrong.  There is an aspect of maturity to that acceptance, that ability to lay down pride and inhibitions to say "you're right, I have a problem".  But whether we are ignorant or all-knowing, there remains that one splinter of a fact - the issue itself still exists.  Whether one knows it or not, one is still afflicted.  I am afflicted.  I am caged.  I want out, but I want in.

I do not know what I want.  And that is the human condition.



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