For my Black History Class, we had to look through a list of BLACK INVENTORS and make a narrative of what we do on a regular day, and put down the inventions of these black inventors that we used. I'm ALMOST finished, but i didn't know that so many things i USE in my everyday life, are things that were invented for a black person.
My name is Monique. When I wake up in the morning before going to school, I turn on my LAMP (Michael C Harney), to wake me up as if it was the sun. When I finally get out of the bed, I go turn the DOOR KNOB (O. Dorsey) to leave my room and go into the bathroom. When I go to the bathroom, I brush my teeth and comb and brush my hair with a COMB (Walter H. Sammons) and BRUSH (Lydia O. Newman). I Then, I check my CELLULAR PHONE (Henry T. Sampson) for any calls that I may have missed throughout the night. I then go look in the REFRIDGERATOR (John Standard) for a breakfast meal. Sometimes, I have to look in the CLOTHES DRYER (George T. Sampson) for socks, and/or underwear if I was being lazy the night before.
After that, I am finally able to iron my clothes on the IRONING BOARD (Sarah Boone). I then put my clothes on, and make sure that my hair is fixed the way that I like it. I’m now ready to go to school. I grab my keys that are on my KEY CHAIN ( F. J. Loudin) and I get in my car, and I let it run so that it can get warmed up. When it’s time to go after about 5 minutes, I use my AUTOMATIC GEAR SHIFT (Richard Spikes) to make my car go into drive, and then I’m off to school. As I stop at the TRAFFIC SIGNAL (Garret A. Morgan), I see people waiting at the trolley station to board the ELECTRIC RAILWAY TROLLEY (Elbert R. Robinson).
It's just the DIVA in me =)