... thanks for rubbing that salt right in there :/
After the shite weekend I ended up having, I just wanted something to go right. Instead I had to depend on the RNG, just like I have to do when I'm ret-specced.
Wow, they sure give you NO time to get that all done.
Hmm... I say IU but mainly because I should go back to it as well. Unless you feel like a Diablo like hack and slash which is what Too Human reminds me off.
Also, I can finish off those switches for you one night if you need it.
That said, I got a black dress in one of my gifts last night on Katra.
After the shite weekend I ended up having, I just wanted something to go right. Instead I had to depend on the RNG, just like I have to do when I'm ret-specced.
You still have tonight to try and finish it don't you?
Oh well, I have to do some writing when I get home anyway, after exercising.
If I can't get the flit switches out of the way for the Knothole DLC, I'm thinking of popping in a different game. Should I go with:
Too Human, for beat 'em up violence?
Or IU, for giant red bear of DOOM?
Hmm... I say IU but mainly because I should go back to it as well. Unless you feel like a Diablo like hack and slash which is what Too Human reminds me off.
Also, I can finish off those switches for you one night if you need it.
I kind of feel like I need some hack n' slash right now. Too Human it is!
I may take you up on that - I'm still getting my timing all effed up. Stupid casting animations!
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