Oct 14, 2008 22:02
Baby, don't be that way. You know I love you.
I mean, sure, I started with Laughing Skull, but then I took my 9 month break... and when I came back, it was to you, baby.
And, okay, so sometimes I run around in Cairne and Proudmoore, but a girl has needs! NEEDS, I say! Needs that you can't fulfill when you're down (and not in the "on your knees like a two dollar whore" way, either >_>).
I can't stand it, baby. You know I need you, now more than ever (mostly because I'm anxious to respec all of my toons).
/in before the QQ: yeah, I'm a dork, sue me - playing Too Human can only keep me sane for so long T__T
tl;dr - plz come back up soon Anvilmar - I miss you!
patch day,
echoes of doom,
wtf youre so sad,
patch 3.0.2