Well, okay, not really, but here are the highlights.
1) I need to lose weight and exercise more (duh).
2) I'm getting my testosterone levels checked out - my body hair is somewhat excessive, I'm afraid to admit, and Mom's all "You're so aggressive when you're angry!" and I'm like, "...duh? I'm angry! What do you expect, rose petals?"
3) Tetanus shots hurt like a sonofabitch, I shit you not. My left arm has been near useless today.
4) I'm getting my thyroid tested to see if that's the cause of my extreme tiredness. If that comes back normal, the doctor wants me to do a sleep study at the hospital. Is it okay to admit I'm kind of freaked out?
GenCon highlights:
1) Did a lot of tabletop gaming. Win.
2) Didn't do a lot of shopping. Both win and fail. Win because I didn't buy a ton of crap I didn't need. Fail because I was so busy in the events that I missed out on the Star Wars Saga: Knights of the Old Republic RPG book =(
3) Got my period the second day we were there. Fail.
4) I was prepared for said period. Win.
5) I didn't get sick by anyone at GenCon. EPIC WIN.
General life highlights:
1) Work is stressful. Fail.
2) I have a lot of stuff to do at work. Win (that means I'll still be gainfully employed woo!).
3) I have been drawing a shit ton. Mostly win; a little bit of fail. Win for the "Yay drawing!" aspect, fail for the "But now I don't even really hop on WoW that often" aspect.
4) The spirit ghost thing manifested itself to me and Mom yesterday by fucking with our stereo system - once when she was home, and once when I was by myself. EPIC FAIL. GTFO, you stupid git. And if you're gonna fuck w/ the radio, at least play some decent music (and don't fuck w/ my volume settings either, kk?).
5) Acupuncture is actually very interesting, and not painful at all. And apparently I have too much fire in my stomach >_>
For the drawings, check out
http://ashaelia.deviantart.com/ >_>
k, back to WoW (win!)