
Jul 31, 2008 22:10

Ok, I'm not dead.  But, a lot of stuff happened since I posted last >_>

/begin infodump

Moved back home, willingly, to pay my personal loan to Mom off.
Joined a raiding guild in WoW, and had to convince them that yes, pallies could tank in raids.
Started a baby shaman.
Successfully showed the guild that pallies can tank in raids.
Started playing D&D again.  4th Edition is the shiznit.
Got almost all of my shit destroyed when the sewers in Brown Deer backed up.
Nearly had a mental breakdown thanks to said sewer back-up.
Used some of the money Mom gave me from the insurance settlement to replace some of the stuff I lost (video game system power supplies, new computer, new video games, etc).
Got a raise this year woo!
Went to the dentist and found out that my teeth were killing me NOT because of cavities, but because of stress.  No cavities for me kthxbai.
Cut back on WoW time, as the basement is still barren, and it's depressing to be down here.  Also, guild drama.  Like you didn't see that one coming though >_>
Read about all the changes in Wrath of the Lich King, and am hyped for LOLRET pally buffs!
Started drawing again.  Like, trying to draw SOMETHING once a day.  Even set up a deviantart account (GO HERE MOFOS:
Paid off my mom!  Now saving up money so when I move out I can replace everything I lost and still have some cushion left in savings.

So... yeah.


I'll try to be on more often, in part because I am looking for some art comms to post my stuff to for crits and stuff.

/end infodump

irl, sewer backup, wow, paladins, infodump, gaming, drama, 4th edition, home, gaming. dungeons and dragons

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