And just like that, winter break is over...

Jan 13, 2006 19:11

They say that time flies when you're having fun.  Apparently time also flies when you spent large chunks of your day watching Scrubs and reading Neil Gaiman books.  As far as Scrubs goes, I'm completely caught up through season 3.  Season 4 is proving to be a bit trickier to download and I wish they'd just put it out on DVD already.  Geez.  I think I'm just gonna go ahead and watch the 4 eps from season five that are patiently waiting for me.  Screw season 4.

I had rehearsal today for the Irene Ryan competition.  It went well and I think we'll be fine for the competition.  As long as I get through it and don't make an ass out of myself I'll be happy.  Just gotta get through this week.  We leave Monday.  *crosses fingers*

I saw an internship while I was at school today for a costume/make-up person.  It looks very promising.  It's in NC and it would go from June 7th to August 7th.  And grandma lives in NC, so that would kinda rock.  Of course I'm gonna keep looking but I think I might just apply for it.

Oh! I now have side bangs! I grew some balls and just told her to do it.  I <3 them.

I'm sure there was more that happened over break...just can't think of anything right now.  Possibly because I spent the last week verrah sick and gross.  Hmmm....

I do however have to start packing and pick up some stuff for ACTF...perhaps I'll do that now.  Hmmm...

Also, this is hilarious!  The Simpsons rock.  HP rocks.  'nuff said.

Colin Hay is the man.

And as always, go Flyers!!!

tv, hp, scrubs, actf, irene ryan scholarship

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