Random Stuff...

Sep 14, 2005 11:29

I almost forgot how busy I get once the semester starts.  I'm also really tired and really sore from all these damn dance classes.  But I can't complain because I'd rather be rocking out in a dance class than zoning out in some random gen ed class.  <3 my liberal arts college.

So, I got into a show! EEEEE!  Now I can graduate! w00t!  It's called The Fantastic Return of the Fabulous Fable Factory.  Yes, it's a children's show! Haha!  We start rehearsals in October.  I'm really psyched because it's a small cast, only 9 people.  It's set up a lot of like Godspell, there're  2 lead guys and the rest of us are the "factory" and we tell the fables.  I can't wait.  And we have Martin doing our costumes and he's my faaaaaaaaaavorite!!!!!  I just can't express my love for Martin in words.  Just, GUH! 
So yeah, it goes up the first week in December and runs for two weeks.  Mark it on your calendars ya'll! ;)

Since I was tagged and I'm procrastinating, I'll do the 20 random facts meme...
1. I still don't really like HBP.  I think the writing was poorly done and not up to par.
2. I'm thinking of updating to a paid LJ account.
3. I haven't handed in my subbing papers yet because I've decided I hate subbing.
4. I'm 21 years old and I've never had a real relationship.
5. I don't cry at sappy girly movies, but Disney movies get me every time. 
6. I also cry every time I watch Selena.
7. It's been entirely too long since I've been to NYC.  I think this is the longest amount of time between shows ever.
8. I didn't drink until I was 21.
9. I've never done drugs ever.
10. I hate cigarettes, but I occasionally smoke cigars.
11. CT and I once found out that "malls happen."  Remember that trip?!?!
12. Operation Stay Puft Marshmallow Curtains hasn't gotten much play lately.
13. I'm terrified about making a life for myself after I graduate in May.
14. It's only like the second week of school and I'm already behind on hw.  *headdesk*
15.I need to get more blank cds.
16. Listening to Jason Robert Brown makes me really depressed, but I can't help it.
17. I'm not nearly as excited about the Rent movie as I probably should be.
18. I constantly second guess myself and my abilitlies and think I'm not good enough.  Just the side effects of being a theatre major.
19. I'm perfectly content all by myself.  I don't need anyone to be happy.
20. The lyrics of "Kissing the Lipless" have beenin my head for days.  Spooky stuff.

Hey book clubbers....we seriously need this! Isn't that amazing!?!? Me wants. 
Also, all HP people NEED to check out this fanart. The artist is amazing.  Just, wow.

We're getting ready to kick off the Firefly marathon on Thursday at Doug's.  This should be exciting!  I can't wait to see this show! :)

Okay, time to get something done. 

hp, rl, book club, class, theatre

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