Apr 14, 2008 09:58
Hi everyone.
I started working again last month I am back at Banana but this time as a part time visual assistant. Part time is great for me I am getting paid a reasonable amount as I used to be a manager and I have flexibility. My hours can range from about 15 hrs a week to 37 this past week. The best thing about this job is that I don't get stressed about it, I am way down the firing line so I am happy, (there is way to much stress in retail for what it is).
So my life has changed a little bit.
The Good
Before if I didn't do something in a day I felt incredibly lazy, there was Justin going out to work and I had done nothing, a completely worthless feeling. Now when I do nothing in a day that is quite alright because I do go out and work other days, not as much as Justin but that is ok. I rarely do nothing in a day. I am feeling strangely more productive I am thinking that I am the kind of person who needs structure to get things done. My Art work has really suffered - I thought that not working I would have all kinds of time and make lots of beautiful pieces, I more often than not whiled away my time on the internet, not posting on Live journal because I had nothing to post about, the things I accomplished were gifts for other people because there was a deadline for when I had to finish them. I thrive under deadlines. I have become significantly less interested in the internet. Justin and I have a bookmark that is titled Time wasting, which he hasn't looked at for a few years but one that I went to quite regularly until recently. Can you imagine something so horrific. There are some days that I don't even turn my computer on, I have found that it isn't that necessary every day. I know that lots of my friends live this way and i definitely used to before I married Justin.
The Bad
I sometimes don't feel like cooking and I don't pop out to the store as much So cusine has probably gone down hill a bit, Justin has been working a lot of night shifts and I am less inclined to cook for me. Housework, never one of my favourite things not quite up to par. The gym, I have been just a few times since I started work, next step is to incorporate that in to my routine/habits. I am doing pretty physical work though so at least I am not being a couch potato.
The Ugly
Lots of early starts, I am generally an early bird but this week I had three 6am starts and one 5am - yuck! I tend to either need a nap or to go to bed pretty early. Justin is a night owl and he has been working the late shifts so on busy weeks we don't see each other as much.
Having talked about work non stop I must tell you that today is my last day till May because my Parents are coming to visit on Wednesday. I am so excited about it, (and another plus for part-time I was able to take time off really easily.) My Brother is coming the following week I am so happy. I have to do a little bit of cleaning and finish up a few projects.