(no subject)

Sep 08, 2005 17:04

I know I haven't updated in a while, but here's one long ass update.
Yesterday I happen to walk in on something left out on a desk that I wish not to see. Then my mom starts talking about oops babies again. Like she has been for the past week. Then the Coast Guard decides to call me after 9am. I was in the middle of the Turnpike, so I couldn't really talk. I said that I would call this guy back. Then I got dragged around Hollywood after attending a meeting at my mom's school. I went to work after that. I was stuck with so many stupid but long ass calls that it wasn't even funny. I came home to go on the net for a few minutes then I passed out. I haven't been getting alot of sleep lately due to immigration problems and me going through my depression again.
I got a letter in the mail from the Canadian Govt. I thought that it would be something good, but it wasn't. Apparently there is no record of me being a resident or citizen of Canada anymore. That means I have no country to go back to if I get kicked out of here like I almost did last week.
I'm sick of my life. It never gets any better. It's always the same old bullshit. I get an oppertunity to do something with my life and my parents have to shoot it down.
I can finally get a DL and my mom refuses to take me to the DMV to get it. I get some good info about me getting a green card, and my mom refuses to take me to a lawyer or even phone one. It's like I'm an animal trapped in a cage.
I'm spiraling into depression again. Which means no sleep or food for me. I'm scared that I'll be anorexic again like I was in the year 2000. That also means working out too much and not caring for my knee. When I get depressed I get so self concious that it isn't even funny. I get obsessed with losing as much weight as I can.
I need to get away from all of this crap. I need to go back home to Canada, but my passport and Canadian ID are no good right now. I wanna just build a raft and float to some random island. Hopefully I'll have a better life over there.
How can people have good lives and not go through what I am going through? I've had a tough life, and it isn't getting anymore easier. I wish someone could understand what I am going through, but no one can. No one can begin to immagine what life is like for me.
Oh I got another letter from College saying that I can't enroll in any classes due to some transcript problem, and I can't afford the classes anyways. It's like pushing it in my face to do something with my life, but I can't. I don't have the resources to do anything right now.
On a lighter note. I'm looking to adopt a dog from the pound. It's a terrior mixed female. She is spayed, and is offwhite with white mixed in. She is adorable....But how am I going to get the money to get her? I hope my dad can pay for it, because all I got is 36 cents right now.
Well, I have to go eat my dinner now. So toodles!
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