Nov 21, 2005 11:42
I'll try to do a good/bad sandwich, but I have more bad than good, so I dunno.
I got my grant for my undergrad research project! What is it on you ask? It is titled: A Piece of the Action: Women's quest to become a part of the video game industry. I'm reeeeally excited. As a bonus this project also counts for my Marketing 415 project. This also means I get a $500 stipend for doing the project, yay money!
My dad's side of the family decided to have Thanksgiving on Black Friday (i.e. the biggest shopping day of the year in which NO retail employee in the entire country can have off of work) Needless to say I won't be able to attend, which sucks because that is the family that I actually like. Instead I will be stuck in the hellish vortex that is Best Buy watching as middle aged men and women battle it out for the limited quantities of door buster items and then bitch when we run out.
I'm really fricken broke. I just got a surprise eye exam bill that I thought my insurance would cover, and I have to get my radiator fixed. Gas for going home for thanksgiving is also gonna cost me a bundle in addition to the gas I'll use for Christmas. I hope everyone is cool with getting my love for Christmas, because that's all I can afford.
Once I get back from New Zealand and get my second semester financial aid money and my grant money I should be good to go. I'll be buying a new computer, so I'm pretty stoked about that. Until then however it looks like I'm gonna have to pick up all the shifts I can and still hope to get my million group projects done by the end of the semester.