The past two days have been very interesting here at work. I work in south Raleigh, in an industrial area surrounded by train tracks, homeless shelters, soy bean factories, and scrap metal processors. It seems some idiot thought it would be a WONDERFUL idea to include 30 or so LIVE mortor rounds in his normal scrap dump. The people at Raleigh Metal Processors didn't think anything of the shells and proceeded to crush the load. One big BOOM later, two people hurt (not badly at all) and Ft. Bragg was called in.
Click here for local new story thingy My office is less than a half a mile from the place and every time they blow a round the whole place shakes. Since 10:30 this morning there have been...
Ack there it went again /sigh least 12 booms.
Hopefully this will be over soon.