Harp Seal

Feb 10, 2006 03:23

This is a harp seal -

Cute isn't it?

Thousands of these seals are killed every single year.

Dont worry, these ones dont get killed. They're only babies after all. No, killing them is illegal, you have to wait till they grow up first. Well, till they lose their white baby fur. That takes about 12 days. Then you can kill them.

And they do, about half a million of them every year.
For their fur. Their pelt.
They skin them for it.
Most of them are skinned alive.

Think that's fair? Humane?
No, me neither.

Worst thing about all this? The Canadian Government not only supports these culls, they actually subsidize them. The people with the power to stop it are determined not to, despite the protests of conservation charities. They even deny that it's cruel.

I disagree.

If you disagree too, do something about it. Tell someone else, sign an online petition. It may not seem like much, but every little thing, every extra person on board, every signature, does make a difference.

I know this entry was a tad sombre, but i cant believe stuff like this still happens.
But it does.

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