Well, end of term exams are finished and things are slowing down once again. I'm really thankful because the last few days have been like a rollercoaster ride, and I'm still feeling the bad aftereffects. And speaking of exams, I think I've done rather well on them...well, maybe not that well on Filipino, but I'm still damn proud of my effort!
Oh, and I've uploaded another SWAT Kat-ty fanart on my DeviantArt account. Check it out if you'd like ^^
What's this? A romantic shipping?! And also I leave you with a Meme
1. What is your character's name?
- Reynard David Leifwood.
2. What kind of character is it (furry, anime, etc.) and any particular race?
- Kat
3. What is the first thing your character would think of when he/she first wakes up?
- "I wonder if I saved my game last night..."
4. Your character's favorite outfit would be?
- Blue jeans, Red sneakers with black streaks on them, and a shirt with goofy messages on them like "<3 the Geek" and "All Your Ice Cream Are Belong To Me". XD
5. When your character looks into a mirror, what's the first thing they would notice?
- His bangs that are almost covering his right eye.
6. Does your character have the same tastes in food as you?
- No, Rey has a wide variety of taste whereas I'm a picky eater
7. How is your character similar to you?
- We're both lazy bums XD
8. How is he/she different?
- He's much more levelheaded and has a sense of humor
9. If your character could speak, would they have the same voice as you?
- Nope, I think Rey's voice would be a little deeper than mine
10. If you were to suddenly become your character, what do you think would be the first thing you would do as them?
- In all honesty? Play with the games my character has.
11. Is there something about your character that you don't like how others think of them?
- Not really, Rey's pretty new so I don't have anything to say about that
12. What advantages does your character have over you?
- He's way smarter than me, and more of a social person. Rey's also way better at fighting games than me. :P
13. What disadvantages?
- Well, his dates have a nasty habit of backfiring. Either A. Something happens to him, B. Something happens to his date, or C. Something happens that spoil the date. It's not that Rey's undesirable, it's just that he's unlucky that way; I doubt he's ever been on a second date. XD
14. Do you have any secrets relating to your character that only you know?
- Something of that sort...
15. Do you have any secret drawings only you know about?
- Not really...unless you want me to draw Rey (innocently) naked? XD
16. Do you have any plans for your character or are you working on something big relating to him/her?
- Mmm for now, no. I just intend to introduce him in the NSK RPG
17. What misconception(s), if any, do people have about your character?
- I'm not sure, I haven't had much of a feedback regarding Rey.
18. If you could have just ONE characteristic from your character, what would it be?
- His easygoing nature.
19. Have you made any characters that go along with yours, based on real-life people, that have the same relationship with your character as you with the real-life person?
- Not yet, but I'm sure
cherazor would give me ideas and inspiration.
20. Have you written any stories about your character?
- Not yet, no
21. How has your character changed since his/her first creation?
- Well, Rey's just recently created so he hasn't had much time to evolve.
22. Give us a one-liner from him/her.
- *while being held captive by a villain* "Yes, yes, I know how the Good-Guy-Held-Captive procedure goes, I do work in the vigilante business, you know."