More Weekend Blues

Sep 10, 2005 19:54

I was home alone today. (Britt decided to go to the launch.) I spent hours trying to find some information online for my biology homework. For some reason, the teacher decided to make us look up something that only exists in the deepest, darkest little corners of the internet. What made it worse is that my computer kept turning off on its own.

Anyways, it was TOO bad, and I had some time to post replies at MSR and AWW that were overdue. It rained a whole lot today.

Despite having a boring weekend, I am fairly happy and I'm not dreading Monday, I'm actually looking forward to it.

Your Superhero Profile

Your Superhero Name is The Onyx Surfer
Your Superpower is Undead
Your Weakness is Cotton Candy
Your Weapon is Your Grenade Claws
Your Mode of Transportation is Scooter
What's your Superhero Name?

Oh yeah. xD
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