It's that time

Oct 13, 2015 15:45

I've kicked off my fall fitness challenge. Its day two. My muscles hurt from last night's lower body workout which was made up of not just squats and lunges with weight but also PLYOMETRIC movements (think sumo squats but jumping and no rest.. jumping lunges) - damn near died but the pain means progress... so BRING IT!!! This is a vital peice of my journey.. as a coach.. as a WOMAN .. as ME. I've held back for one reason or another. The moments that shape our path (and destination) are those with true decision. I've been focusing on the POWER of making a real decision. When you decide, action flows. A REAL decision is measured by immediate and REAL action. The hardest step is making that committment.. once you do.. a cause is set in motion. I think it is important to make decisions often. It's like a muscle... you need to exercise this skill to get GOOD at it. And as you decide and follow through.. that skill gets stronger and you grow in your ability and confidence to ACHIEVE the things you want. Isn't that what we all want at the end of the day? The key is staying committed to your result, but FLEXIBLE in the approach. Don't stop when you first have resistance. Alternate routes are always available... it's the end game you need to be stubourn about ;)

A truly committed decision is the FORCE that will change your path.. your life.. forever.

So why is my fitness goal so important to me?

It symbolizes so much for me. Firstly the ability to follow through, remain diciplined and ACHIEVE. Secondly, I FEEL better when I am exercising and eating well. And thirdly, its vital that I am a leader. Setting an example. For those who call me coach, for those who call me Mom, for anyone who needs hope that it is possible. This coming from a girl who LOVES beer and appies and used to yo yo diet like its nobodies business.

Rambling aren't I? :P

I found my journal from when I was in my early 20's. (a written journal) - I WAS SO EMOTIONALLY UNSTABLE! I know I studied english lit and used to write poems and lyrics... but still... I cannot believe the mellodrama in this book.. I showed my hubby and we laughed. Funny because I have no memory of feeling those things nevermind writing them down. Talking about the pain and anguish and lonliness and this and that. I can't tell if I really felt so awful or if I was just exploring writing with drama, LOL. Either way - it was a pretty funny trip down memory lane.

I also found 3 totes of TINY newborn baby clothes - what a shot to the gut! The backstory? I want a third kid.... I'd LOVE to be pregnant and do it all again. But realistically, we're done. Darren is done. So when this decision was made, I donated all the baby stuff. I knew it would be too painful later (aka, now) when I was feeling the baby void, so as Riley got bigger, I donated things as she outgrew them. I have two friends expecting babies very soon so I packed up all the teeny tiny adorable baby things for them. WAY harder now!!! I have volunteered to sleep over and be up all night with their babies whenever they need breaks though :P

I guess thats my update! xo
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