Ashley's Back :)

Aug 27, 2015 14:52

Sorry for the haitus! Work ramped up, fitness coaching ramped up, and I took on some side projects (decluttering the home and making a pay off debt strategy) - I think I'm back into a routine now! A summary of thoughts!

I've been in a position of realizing my own power. What I mean by this is - my ability to CREATE my reality. My ability to focus on something and then go and get it. Like any personal growth... once you learn a new life lesson you can't help but want to SHARE it with everyone. A passion ignites and you can't imagine living the old way - so when other's don't SEE that same lesson yet it's odd and confusing. I am learning to accept that everyone is on their OWN path and everyone learns things in their own time. And my lessons may or may not be the ones that anyone else NEEDS in their own life. But for anyone who this speaks to, I am more than happy (and honored) to share my own personal perspective... take it for what it is worth! :)

So as I was saying - humans are FREAKING POWERFUL. We are capable of changing our circumstances, and improving the lives of others.. in essence, changing the WORLD around us. You absolutely CAN manifest your deepest desires in this life. Like anything amazing though - you really do have to TAKE CARE of that power. You need a healthy body.. and a clear mind. If you think of your body as a rocket - are you letting yourself fall out or orbit? Maybe doing just enough to coast? Or are you doing what it takes to absolutely EXPLODE ??

Really though - ask yourself that question and be super honest about the answer!

Being run down means you don't have the energy to be your best given the tasks at hand. So when new opportunities knock... you aren't in a place to take them on. If you're emotionally drained - you may not be able to give your best to the people already in your life... how could you handle NEW friendships and connections in this state? When your body is not exercising or being filled with good nutrition, proper hydration and enough rest... it is SO busy repairing itself and trying to minimize the damage.. you have no energy for anything more.  I remember feeling SO on auto pilot. Zero gusto by the afternoon to think of things I could contribute to the world.. to my family.. to my PURPOSE and happiness. The sad news? Many people live most of their lives in this zone.. gah! I've so been there too.
The wonderful news? You don't have to!

Let's say for a minute that I'm full of crap. What have you got to lose? Worst case - you end up in the same boat you are in now and you can try a different approach.

Best base? You take a leap of faith and you dig in. You start to make small changes and prioritize your health and fitness and LIFE. I'm just asking you to dream for a minute with me..... how different could your life look 30 days from now? A month? A year?

The thing about auto pilot and having low energy and passion is.. it doesn't just affect YOU. Nope. It affects your relationships... your parenting.. your job! I came to this realization one year ago almost to the day - and I haven't looked back since. But it start with YOU. YOU have to wake up and say auto-pilot OFF. I want this to set the tone for everything I am going to be sharing in September. I hope this finds you a little but inspired.. or at the very least.. open minded and curious. I'd love to hear your own perspective :)


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