Jul 07, 2015 15:25
Hey I am back from vacation! I wanted to take a bit of time to write about something that has been a major focus for me over the last few weeks. I took some time while away to really focus on .. what is at the root of whatever is holding me back from reaching my next level of potential. I now have a vision for the type of life I want to live. I want to be the girl who lives in the moment - who follows through and SHOWS UP for those who count on me - who loves herself and exudes confidence. I want to inspire others to not give up on themselves... I find meaning and purpose in helping others find their own passions. When I get a message from someone who has had a breakthrough (physical or mental) - this feeds my soul.
So wrapping that up simply - I want to be a successful mentor. Role model. In every aspect of my life - I want to inspire and motivate. As a mother, as a Leader, as a wife, as a friend, as a coach.
Fitness and wellness tie into this in a big way. I KNOW the black and white facts of what I need to personally do to move myself forward. Physically, I am capable. Nutritionally, I know what I should be consuming to get me to my goals. Mentally... ah. The final peice of the puzzle is 100% mental.
If you ask me as a surface question "do you love yourself" - I would quickly answer YES! But if I take the time to sit back and really dig into this question and what it means... if I take the time to be COMPLETELY honest with myself.. I know that I am one harsh critic. I beat myself up when our house is a mess and the laundry gets behind. I feel Mommy guilt for working full time and never feeling like my kids get enough time with me. And when I give into temptation and stop eating to plan - I feel like I am a big fat failure and then well.. emotional eating can take over. Just a few exampels - can you relate?
In reality I KNOW it's all crazy. If I want my house to be clean, it's not that hard to prioritize it and make it happen. But a messy house is not a relfection on me or how capable I am. I know that my kids see a happy, successful, working Mommy and that they are growing into independant well adjusted kids. And my body is amazing. It deserves my love.. my respect.. and it needs me to fuel it not feel bad about it. I need to love myself wholey and fully before I can truly move to where I want to be... I know this now. Some things I will be focusing on. These items were taken from multiple sources - & then expanded on based on my personal experience. Message me if you'd like more resourses & I'd be happy to point you in the right direction!
* Self love is a journey - just like fitness. It's not a light switch that you turn on. I will be writing down ONE thing I love about myself each morning and reminding myself to think about it throughout the day. There is no finish line on the road to self love and acceptance! Practice and purposefully prioritizing changing the conversation in your subconsious is a great place to start.
* Be mindful when negative thoughts pop into your head. Example: Ugh my butt in that pic is so flabby.. gross.
Aknowledge that the thought is nonsense and come up with a better one "These thighs helped me run my first 5k last year - Imagine what they will do for me this year - let's beat that time!"
* Get out of your comfort zone - no more crutch!
Most of us rely on our negative habits when we enter times of stress or sadness. For me- I have been known to drink more when I am stressed.. and then power-diet when I am sad. How unhealthy! You need to be HONEST with yourself about what your personal crutch is - so you can face it and say... NO MORE! Replace these negative habits with positive ones. Kick off a morning walk routine - or an evening pamper session (bubble bath with a face mask and a feel-good book of choice?)
* Address food for what it is
Food is not just about calories or macros. We use food emotionally - whether over eating or under eating. Just like the item above - you need to aknowledge any of these habits and refuse to alter your nutritional habits for emotional reasons. A bad day is not justification to binge eat ice cream or oreos. Just like not fitting into last years dress does not call for starving yourself for a week as a punishment! Establish a healthy relationship with food that will stand the test of time (and your emotions)
* Take 100% ownership for your happiness
Realizing that YOU control your own happiness is KEY! Playing the victim role takes away any power you have over changing your circumstances. It may not be easy if you're not used to this - but spend the time that it takes to really dig in here. You cannot always control the cards you are dealt in life - but you CAN control your reactions to them. You CAN create positive outcomes and you CAN set and reach whatever goals you want badly enough! :)