Jun 27, 2007 21:33
hi. i know it's been a while. I've been cramming 4 months of school work into a condensed summer semester. Not easy, but manageable.
Personal life: going good, im getting older and it's kinda showing, not like farting in a crowded supermarket and acting like nothing happened, but i am showing a lot more gray. I enjoy classical music more than I do Skinny Puppy, and I have a low tolerance for young people. I have a great girlfriend who treats me like a king and is a Democrat. What more could I possibly ask for? She's great.
Professional Life: Hectic. I've been managing a project for the past 5 months and it comes to a head on July 21st. All my hard work will either pay off or leave me flat on my ass. If I pull it off or if I don't get to put it into motion I will most likely secure a healthy promotion out of it. If I fail I will be flogged, set on fire, fed to sharks and forced to take up interest in an organized religion. At this point I can't figure out which is worse. Promotion or being eaten alive. Either way, the result will probably be the same.
Other: I've destroyed 3 pairs of boxers in the last month. This is a problem. Boxers aren't all that cheap. I've also given up beer and switched back to liquor. My gut thanks me. I miss a lot of you, but I promise I will do my best to make time for you. If I can't I will repay you with my services later on in life.
Etc: I'm ready for fall...and by fall I mean college football.