OOC. RP Frustrations.

Dec 05, 2008 16:39

I am usually the patient and the silent one, but some resent events that involved my characters with a few people, whose names I’ll keep private (I do not like waving dirty laundry for everyone to see), have now slowly worn my patience thin. They made me afraid of RP, they made me paranoid of interacting with new people, they made me lock up and only interact with those few whom I trust will not pull any OOC drama shit on me and my characters.

So I have made up an RP Contract that I think should be accepted and agreed on by people before getting involved into any serious RP relationships in order to avoid misunderstandings, traumas and hurt feelings.

I believe this contract covers all the areas I've encountered problems with in resent times and hopefuly it'll help me avoid them in the future.

So here it is, I guess this is going to sound increadibly harch, but if you don’t agree with any of the fallowing points, you probably shouldn’t RP with me. :(

Role-Playing Contract


1) You realize and accept that I’m not playing this game to find RL love, happiness and/or relationship.

2) You realize and accept that I’m not playing this game for you to find your RL love, happiness and/or relationship in the face of me.

3) You realize and accept that my agreement to RP with you is not my agreement to make you - the player feel happy/loved/accomplished in real life. If that is what you’re looking for, please keep looking.

4) You will not assume that I’m in love with you, interested in you, want a relationship with you OOCly and outside the game from the way I RP my character with your character.

5) You will respect my privacy and will not attempt to find out personal information about me behind my back, through my other friends, or any other means beyond what I allowed you to know.


6) If you are not happy with the frequency of our RP interactions, you may:

- Ask if I’m available and/or in the mood right now.

- Ask to set a specific date. (If I’m not available and/or in the mood right now.)

- Remind me. (I’m a human, I can forget or get distracted.)

You may NOT however:

- Demand I drop everything and entertain you.

- Get upset over me not being in the mood and complain and/or guilt-trip me.

- Threaten me in any way or form.

7) You will not get upset over me having other characters that are not involved with your characters.

8) You will not attempt to make me play exclusively with you and involve all my characters exclusively with your characters.

9) You will not attempt to force me to change the way I play my characters whenever you are not satisfied with their IC actions/reactions. Suggestions are welcome but it is entirely up to me if I accept or reject them. If you don’t like the way my character behaves so much, then perhaps it is a sign that this is not the character you should RP with.

10) You may suggest RP ideas and relationship development plots and twists, I however may find any of them unacceptable, uncomfortable or inappropriate and you will not attempt to further persuade, force or brainwash me into going along with those.

11) You realize and accept that my character can be ICly unfaithful, dishonest and have ulterior motives towards your character. And you - the player will not be upset about it in any way or form (your character, of course, may be upset and angry as much as you wish as long it is all kept to IC only).

You do however have a right to ask me if my character can behave in such a manner towards your character and if that is not your cup of tea you are free to disengage/refrain from RPing with that particular character of mine and find your happiness elsewhere.

12) You realize and accept that my characters’ feelings towards your characters may change in any way whenever I feel appropriate and you will not complain, guilt-trip or try to force me to do other vice OOCly.  You may however ask me to warn you in advance if such a twist is possible and stay out of involvement with such a character of mine.

13) You will not RP permanently killing my character without my agreement to it. Assassination attempts are OK, but leave my character a way to escape and/or survive.

14) I and only I decide:

- If my character finds your character attractive or not.

- If my character falls in love with your character.

- If / when my character stops loving your character.

- If / when my character has children.

15) Both sides have a full right to stop/terminate the IC involvement whenever they feel like it, and neither side may OOCly complain, guild trip, threaten or black-mouth the other one for doing it.

I in turn agree and promice to fallow all the same rules and agreaments.

To sum it all up: Please remember that IC=/= OOC and the feelings, emotions and attachments should never transfer from one to another.

Comments are screened so feel free to voice your honest opinion if you feel the need to.


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