Christmas Gifts

Aug 06, 2006 20:06

ETA: HIGHLY recommended. Funny, Gen. What's not to love?

Title: Christmas Gifts
Author: [info]ash_night
Rating: G
Pairing: Will/Elizabeth
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: The Mouse is the king of the world. I am just a mere servant and lowly jester.
Summery: "Jack's gifts over the years were eccentric, like the gift-giver himself."
Notes: Thankies to my beta [info]magicspromise. :)

Jack's gifts over the years were eccentric, like the gift-giver himself. He'd send piles of colorfully wrapped, lumpy presents by postal through anonymity. But as soon as it arrived, Will and Elizabeth would smile secretly to one another and place it lovingly under the tree, as long as it didn't bark or snap or shudder in their hands.

And on Christmas morning, they'd unwrap it together in their bed with childlike glee and curiosity. Sometimes, Elizabeth would pester Will to unwrap it carefully so as to save the paper or cloth or the strands of silk ribbon or the beautifully knotted rope. Other times, they'd just take the scissors to it and snip away like mad and fury. Despite being miles away, Jack liked to tease them by covering the actual objects in a multitude of layers, one after another, that would unfurl in their hands like ocean waves.

It was their connection to worlds vast and new and discovered perhaps only by Jack and barbaric, greedy natives. They knew that Jack would spend the entire year collecting a piece from this island or that cove for their Christmas treat because he knew that the two of them were blood thirsty for adventure and piracy and unfounded and dangerous territories despite their unwavering love for their children.

The house had a parlor specifically for the gifts that Jack had sent, a collection so eclectic and rare that the couple would use it as leverage to make their guests gasp and become wide-eyed with wonder, or more usefully, for making the new generation of Turners behave.

That December, however, came no whisper of "Uncle Jack's" infamous present. The two had conversed long hours into the night, worrying madly and wondering if their pirate Captain had been marooned, drowned or hung. They had tried to communicate back to him, but Jack would always be gone before their letters would reach him. Will had asked inconspicuously around and had even traveled to Tortuga for a few days. Elizabeth had went off to ask Admiral Norrington and had snuck about in a very unlady like fashion around the seaport. Not even a whisper of a rumor had penetrated the islands about a certain evil, brilliantly mad pirate.

It was Christmas Eve. and the children were restless with a thousand questions about Santa Claus and Uncle Jack, which were essentially synonymous with one another. The Christmas dinner, although grand and marvelous and prepared by all the kitchen maids and cooks, sat unsteadily in their bellies like seasickness.

They had gone to sleep, buried under covers and atop of fluffy pillows, when they heard a loud clatter. Both sat up harshly, startled, with Will reaching for a pistol in a hidden drawer of his nightstand. Will had a family; there was no such thing as cheating. Another clatter and a bang, and Will was standing up and moving slowly to the fireplace where the racket was emanating from. He hushed to Elizabeth to get down and away, but she had pulled a gun out from her nightstand as well.

And then, a FRUMP into the wood and cinders, followed by an unmistakable and very drunk, "Yo ho, ho ho!"
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