Oct 01, 2004 23:34
ok so i go ovur to heidi's and its me chelsea brandy sarah lew miriah mackenzie and ofcourse heidi. and we decide to freaking go ding dong door ditching soo all off us put our war paint on, like football players. and we named oursleves. i was ashough. haha were crazy; took pics then it all started.
started off in the minor league houses, than we start to go to differnt neighboorhoods.
after we all get experiened cause it was jsut brandy ding donging and us like watching than we all took a house. me and b-rad deicde to take this house and hide behidn the bush the guy decideds to come out with a flash light and look for us. so im all scared and when hes abotu to catch us coming aroudn the bush we bolt liek a mother fucker. than like i thought we were at heidi's street so im liek brandy im going home shes liek ok im gona go find the rest. SO I GET LOST. im balling my eyes out, my damn war mask is coming off. i go up to these 2 boys cars and ask them, they giv eme wrong directions. i knock on somones house i dont even know after walking aroudn for 20 minuts, she wouldnt open the door, she didnt know shit. so then i finally my last resort fucking FLAG DOWN A CAR. i know im stupid but im smart in the same way i picked a mini van. liek a mom looking car and thank the Lord it was 2 moms. and they let me use there cell phone and drive me home. but the first 2 guys were like "you can come with us" in a sexual way. and thankfully i wasnt kidnapeed but i was balling. and yeah it was bad. but so much fun ding dong ditching. i say no more with that one tho. we ran so muchhh! thanks to alex smith for driving me home
ps. sorry for typign all that. comment if you love me.
::Stef and Heidi this is for you.. I was 8th after the top 15, and the place that braught me down was the bathing suit contest.