Oct 04, 2004 18:34
homecoming is this weekend... i'm excited for the game and the dance and everything, but i'm not really looking forward to anything after the dance... i was gonna go to taryn's, but i know everyone will be drinking and puking everywhere and i don't know if i really wanna be around all that... but i don't know what else to do or where else to go... i don't wanna just go home... sarah said i could hang out with her and scott if they decide not to go to taryn's (and matt too if he wants, but i don't think he's interested)... but i know she really wants some alone time with scott... trust me i totally understand... and i don't wanna interrupt... i'll probably stop by taryn's just to see what's up, but i don't think i'm gonna stay all night... i'm definitely not drinking, so mom shouldn't really have a problem with me driving as long as i'm careful... i dunno... i'm just kind of upset that i don't have anything to do afterwards... but i can't really think of anything that sounds like fun for me, so i guess no one else is really gonna think of it either... it's just another one of those times when i feel like the biggest loser ever... and like i'm never gonna have any fun because no matter what i'm doing, i never seem to be having fun...
the college fair is tonight... i'm going with sarah... of course i'm stressed out about colleges and scholarships... i'm glad sarah kinda knows how i feel... for once someone does... i really just wanna sit down and talk with my mom about everything... what colleges she thinks i should look at/apply to... and i wish she could help me think of topics for my essays and i wish she would sit and talk to me about scholarships and help me figure out what to do... but she's always so busy... it seems like she always has a settlement or something that she needs to do for work, it's like we never really have time to talk about this stuff... i know i can do it on my own... i always do... i always figure out a way to get things done... but i guess it might be easier if i had some help or some type of guidance... i dunno... i'm so upset that i don't know what i want to do with my life... everyone else has it all figured out... they wanna be a doctor or a nurse or an engineer or whatever... and i have no clue... how am i supposed to know what i want to do with the rest of my life at the age of sixteen? i mean how can people really expect me to have it all figured out? i kind of want to have an undeclared major for the first semester or year of college or whatever and just take the general classes that i'm gonna need... until i figure out what i want to do... but i kind of feel like it's a waste of time... here i am just taking all kinds of general classes instead of focusing on whatever it is that i'm gonna end up doing and learning all about it... but i don't know what else to do... i'm just really confused... i know a few things i'm interested in... graphic design, psychology, english... and i think i want to do something with english... like writing and reading... for a magazine or a newspaper or books or something, but i don't really have the confidence in myself... i can't ever think of anything to write about... i dunno really, i guess i'll figure something out...
well sarah's here and we're about to leave... more later maybe?