Severe SPN (and SV) awesomeness!

Oct 18, 2007 23:52

SPN 3.03 and SV 7.04

Tonight's episode of SPN was so freaking awesome!
So much fun! I nearly died laughing, and Sam especially seemed like Dean's little brother when he kept getting hurt! Awesome, awesomeness!
I like the new thief chick (and the demon chick even)!
Also, the crazy hunter dude in jail, thought the other hunter was totally crazy, and was like- *shrugs*.

Smallville's ep was good too, way better than last week!
Dean Kane was awesome (acting) and freaky and slightly sad, but w/e.
Seriously looking forward to the coming conflict/angst/resolution(?) b/t Lana and Clark, and OMG Lex and Clark had a scene together, and Clark saved him! Bring on the reconciliation and/or Clexy subtext, k thnx.

Though guys, I like Lois, hell I like Clois, even. It would be nice if she were in another episode, k.

I'm so excited about both shows this season!!!

sv, spn

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